Hi everyone,

I have the following problem: I've made a very simple custom image:

packagegroup-my-packages \


inherit core-image

Where packagegroup-my-packages is as follows:

inherit packagegroup
RDEPENDS_${PN} =  " libxml2 pixman libsqlite3 sqlite3 libpng liboil
libvorbis libogg "

So, it's basically a core image with a set of libraries that I need for an
that I'm developing. I bitbaked the image and it's all ok, it works and
with buildhistory
I can see the installed package list, it's all ok. I can compare installed
packages of my
image with installed packages of core-image-base and I see all my added

But, if I try to populate and SDK to work with that image, i.e.

bitbake my-image -c populate_sdk

Something strange happens: my sdk rootfs
has lacking libraries and features, I can't even find /usr/lib/pkgconfig
I'm comparing as usual with bitbake core-image-base -c populate_sdk

What am I doing wrong?
If anyone can help me I can give every details with buildhistory.

Thank you!

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