Hi all,

I am using Yocto Poky 2.3 (yocto-2.3-65-gcc48789276e0) and its
extensible SDK. Host is Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS. I have multiple issues
with sdk-update:

1. $ devtool sdk-update
Fetching origin
fatal: unable to access
Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
error: Could not fetch origin

Workaround is GIT_SSL_CAINFO="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
devtool sdk-update but that is not that convenient.

2. SDK update partially succeeds but not all tasks are apparently executed:

HEAD is now at 8189dd22fed5 init repo
NOTE: Preparing build system... (This may take some time.)
ERROR: Unexecuted tasks found in preparation log:
  NOTE: Running task 1065 of 2619
  NOTE: Running task 1077 of 2619
 NOTE: Running task 2619 of 2619

It seems that update works... but not entirely.

3. devtool sdk-update sees new commits in layers repository on origin
remote but runs just "git reset --hard" so it does not switch to it.

Fetching origin
>From https://foobar.com/~builder/releases/yocto-2.3/toolchain/updates/layers/
   f392bd369685..af2013cdfa56  master     -> origin/master
HEAD is now at f392bd369685 init repo

Running git reset --hard will obviously not switch the HEAD from
f392bd369685 to af2013cdfa56.

My workaround here is to manually reset --hard origin/master and then
re-run the sdk-update.

4. SDK updated this way (with all workarounds above) is different than
fresh install. For example some files in sysroots are missing - the
parts introduced at some point by changes in my software. Here - the
json-c.pc is missing:

$ cd UPDATED_SDK/workspace/sources
$ mkdir lib-eclipse
$ make -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../lib
-- Checking for module 'json-c'
--   No package 'json-c' found
$ find UPDATED_SDK/ -name 'json-c.pc'

$ find FRESH_INSTALL/ -name 'json-c.pc'

The devtool build works okay for both cases.

Any hints on these issues?

Best regards,

P.S. I could not find discussion list for extensible SDK or devtool so
I hope this is the right place...
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