Re: hyperlink in password item's "Location" field

2007-05-23 Thread Jim DeVona


Is there a way to format a URL in the "Location" field of a
password item so that clicking on it opens the default browser
to that location?
(and perhaps bring the password in the clipboard!)

I've thought it would be nice if there was a little "Open" button next
to that location field, too. Anyway, someone recently alluded to the
fact that if you right click on that field the first item selected in
the popup menu is "Open URL".

Also, is there a way to format the same field so that clicking
it opens an ftp session to that location?
Also, is there a way to format the same field so that clicking
it opens an ssh connection to that location. In other words,

As with the bookmark locations, just specify the full URL with ftp://
or ssh:// or whatever. When you open the URL the associated program
will open it: in my case, ftp links open in Cyberduck, and ssh links
open in Terminal.


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hyperlink in password item's "Location" field

2007-05-23 Thread eeolson


Is there a way to format a URL in the "Location" field of a 
password item so that clicking on it opens the default browser 
to that location?

(and perhaps bring the password in the clipboard!)

Also, is there a way to format the same field so that clicking 
it opens an ftp session to that location? In other words, 
clicking a Location:

opens a command line (or your favorite ftp client) ftp session 

(even better if it could form the command

Also, is there a way to format the same field so that clicking 
it opens an ssh connection to that location. In other words, 
clicking a Location:

opens terminal with command:
ssh @
(it would be nice if it could grab  from the Account field)

Anyway, it should be clear where this is going. How can the 
location field take you to where you want to go, and form an 
appropriate command?


- eric

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