Thank you Kenneth for the heads up on TagBot. I really agree on the usefullness of tags. I find it so much easier visually to find a particular file amidst a list of similar type and content files rather than a smorgasbord of all the different kinds of files on my computer that get dragged up in a Spotlight type of search.


On Apr 4, 2007, at 7:32 AM, Kenneth Kirksey wrote:

The reason people clamor for nested folders is that they're comfortable with that metaphor. I hung on to that metaphor for much too long myself. Yojimbo helped me break free of that outmoded way of thinking.

My documents folder in the finder has no structure or subfolders. It's just a collection of files, tagged and organized with TagBot. Since I dumped the nested folders metaphor, I've found it much easier to find and organize my documents.

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