Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 15:07:32 -0400
From: Jason Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yojimbo & Pukka Applescript

Has anyone else noticed that the script for posting from Pukka (that
simultaneously posts to delicious and Yojimbo) is now broken in
Leopard? In Yojimbo, I just a random url and no tags.

Yes, making a new bookmark item in Yojimbo via Applescript appears to be broken in Leopard.

The following script generates an error. I am not in front of Leopard machine at the moment, but I believe it was along the lines of 'Can't make "Yojimbo" into type specifier'.

tell application "Safari"
        set theDescription to do JavaScript "document.title" in front document
        set theUrl to URL of front document
end tell

tell application "Yojimbo"
set newItem to make new bookmark item with properties {name:theDescription, location:theUrl}
end tell

This script works correctly in OS X 10.4.

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