Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 23:44:57 +0700
From: "justiani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [itb] Worl Class itebe

I think you have been away too long. It is Indonesia. Reformasi has made
political parties even have a much much stronger role. Orde Baru had
only a single penguasa, which is soeharto. Curently, there is no strong
leader and political parties are competing with segala cara.

A friend of mine who worked together with me in the same multinational
company of telco just asked me an advice if he wants to go back to this
country. I know we can make the best team in this country. But, from my
experiences here (around 4 years), I told him that before going home,
please learn to "menjilat pantat" dulu, if not all the expertise are
just no value at all.


----- Original Message -----
From: the blue indigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: [itb] Worl Class itebe

> Dear All,
> I hope this note finds you well. amien. :-)
> First, I'd like to say that I am quite not interested
> with this election (pls, don't be upset, just a matter
> of not having enough time and chance to see you all).
> BUT, to me it seems so silly if I WANT TO BECOME A
> WORLD CLASS person, so, I need to join or having a
> "good" relation with political party (which is not
> rational).
> MAYBE I've made a mistake. Otherwise, as a
> proffesional, I'd rather say that if itb WANT TO
> BECOME A WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY, the person (lectures,
> students, all employee and stakeholders, and
> shareholders)should be:
> 1. Open Minded,
> seek to broaden your knowledge, be open to the
> opinions of others, accept your mistakes, and use them
> for self improvement.
> 2. Enterprising Spirit
> Seek out opportunities, dare to use new technology,
> and engage in healthy competition with your
> competitors.
> 3. Strength from Diversity
> Take adventage of the rich cultures, products and
> ideas arround you to create oppurtunities and
> strengthen the university's position.
> 4. Freedom through Responsibility
> Have the freedom to take a stand, asses risks and make
> decisions based on the walfare of all concerned.
> I believe if we can take all the principles and fit
> into our organisation (university for instance), "The
> World Class" is on track.
> Well, guys, wake up from dreaming and get start,
> "World Class" is going to be in your hand (not given
> by a political party).
> Warmest regards,
> o'o
> --- erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >           apa masalahnya kalo memang didukung golkar
> > ato pdip, yang jelas kalo ITB berkeinganan menjadi world
> > class university harus mendapat dukungan partai
> > politik...

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