Hi Gank!

Don't make problem as handicap, make it as a chalenge.
Problems make us stronger in the future if ..... (please fill in by

[ terlampir forward mail dari Milis LP3B, Lembaga Pengkajian
dan Perberdayaan Pembangunan Bali ]

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:52:13 +0800
From: "Moncol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [bali] Surat dari Suatu Redaksi Majalah di Australia

Re: Bomb Blast in Kuta and Renon, Bali

Rekan2 LP3B and PHRI Lovina,

Dengan hormat,

Dengan ini saya 'forward' pernyataan-pernyataan dari Rekan2 saya di
Australia tentang Tragedi Bom di Kuta.

Ada hal penting yang perlu dicatat dari pernyataannya ini, yaitu :
1. Tragedi ini dari terrorist profesional dan bukan orang lokal di Bali.
2. Tragedi semacam ini dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu dan dimana saja di
   seluruh dunia.
3. Tourist akan kembali ke Bali lagi dan Bali akan menjadi lebih kuat
   karena kejadian ini.

Jadi, tragedi ini adalah persoalan dunia, dan bukan masalah Pulau Bali
saja. Kalau kita perhatikan apa yang tersirat dari pernyataan terlampir,
maka kita akan lebih yakin, Parawisata Bali akan pulih dan lebih kuat
lagi di masa datang.

Ya, kita selalu berharap yang terbaik untuk masa datang. Bisakah kita
menghindari  bom dari "Power Plant" di Pemaron ?




----- Original Message ----- 
From: Carol Benger 
To: Moncol 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: Bomb Blast in Kuta and Renon, Bali

Sudarma hello,
Yes.. it was  just so terrible - it is hard to comprehend how some evil
person could hurt so many innocent people.  We have so many lovely
memories of Bali.. I am sure that I told you that I met my husband
there. People are likening it Sept 11th - but Americans are strong - and
have rallied around. Even though we are worried about going to NSPI in
Dallas this month - we will still go. And I am sure in a short time
people will come back to Bali, for I am sure people know it wasnt Bali -
it could have happened at any time in any place.  
Stay safe Sudarma.. and our love to  your family. If we can do anything
to help you at any time. please do not hesitate to let us know. I will
forward your email onto others that shared time with you in Bali.
God Bless

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Doug Carter 
To: Moncol 
Cc: Viv Payne 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Bomb Blast in Kuta and Renon, Bali

Dear Mr Sudarma,
I am sure the Bali people will return stronger in the future as will
Australia as a result of this difficult time.
We hope you will keep in regular contact with us.
We assure you of our support.
Yours Sincerely,
Doug Carter

Syafril Hermansyah<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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