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Copyright © 1984, 1994, 1997 by David Allen Rivera
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 94-93854
This book deals with an organization which has been referred to as the
Illuminati. I
first heard about this group in 1978 when I received a cassette tape which
had been
recorded at the Open Door Church in Chambersburg, PA. A guest speaker, by
name of John Todd, who identified himself as a former member, revealed the
existence of this secret Order of the elite who have been controlling world
events for
over 200 years, and whose ultimate goal was to establish a one-world
government. I
was quite shaken after listening to this tape. It was just so incredible, so
inconceivable, that it couldn't be true; but I couldn't get it out of my
mind. So, to
satisfy my curiosity, I decided to do a little bit of research.
Besides looking into the Illuminati, I also did some digging on Todd. As it
ended up, I
wasn't able to make any conclusions regarding his authenticity, however 90%
what he said about the Illuminati was true, and had been documented. I
my research, and the deeper I got, the more disturbing it became. When I sat
church as a child, and would hear of what the Bible said about what was
going to
happen in the "last days", it was really hard to imagine how that all could
be possible.
Somehow, the information I was finding out about the Illuminati was putting
all of this
Eschatology into perspective. Now, not only did it appear possible, it
became an
undeniable fact, that an unsuspecting world was being driven towards the
of prophecies that had been made nearly 2,000 years ago.
For six years, I devoted hundreds of hours into finding out all I could
concerning the
Illuminati. The result was a manuscript in 1984 titled The Illuminati
Conspiracy and
the Coming One World Government. Because of some interest concerning this
project, a few copies were printed and sold. I contacted a few publishers
hoping to
get it published on a larger scale, but none wanted to commit to a book of
this size
that would only appeal to a small segment of people. That, and a job where I
six days a week, pushed this book to the back burner.
Then, in 1990, during the Persian Gulf crisis, President George Bush began
about a "New World Order." The simple fact that their intentions were now
public, indicated to me, that they believed that nothing could be done to
stop them,
and that their plans were now in high gear. This, and new information which
come to light in the past couple of years, prompted me to dust off my
and rework it. What emerged is an astonishing compilation of history and
facts which
support my theory concerning this developing New World Order. What you will
here, you will not find anywhere, in any one book.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Budiono [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 7 November 2002 1:53 PM
> Subject:      [yonsatu] Re: BBC
> Terlampir saya sampaikan laporan dari BBC, untuk memperkaya pengetahuan
> kita
> tentang perang informasi berbasis strategi perang psikologi yang sedang
> terjadi didunia. Departemen Strategic Influence ini, kemudiannya, karena
> suatu sebab, oleh Rumsfeld, menteri pertahanan amerika, diumumkan telah
> bubar.... hanya itu... bahwa 'operasi' nya berhenti apa tidak..tidak
> jelas... inilah perang psikologi.. jenis perang yang tertua. Istilahnya
> Sun
> Tzu ' ambil ikan tanpa menggoyangkan air'
> Pada dasarnya, perang psikologi ditentukan oleh 'cerdas'nya memilih dan
> menciptakan   tema yang dijadikan 'fatamorgana' (terlihat benar tapi
> sebenarnya ngga' ada) dan  kemudian,  dari fatamorgana ini, disusun
> skenario
> pembenaran. Maka sulit bagi siapa saja -kecuali sutradara-  mengetahui apa
> yang terjadi sebenar-benarnya.... mudah-x2 an, terhadap apa yang terjadi
> sekarang, kita bisa dingin melihatnya, supaya anggota ekek tidak terjebak
> dalam diskusi yang menjadikan kita merugi ..... artinya apapun
> jawabannya....semua ada benarnya dan manfaatnya bagi kita... tak ada.
> Kalau
> karena suatu Info, , kita menjadi panik, emosi atau merubah cara
> berpikir..kearah yang diinginkan 'sutradara'.. itu artinya operasi
> berhasil.
> Bagi mereka yang tertarik dgn masalah Information Warfare dan
> Psychological
> Warfare saya punya banyak bahan. Kalo ada yang berminat, bisa ngopi...tapi
> banyak..lho, tidak kurang 250 hal/buku ..jadi ngga bisa liwat fax atau
> milis
> ini.
> budiono
> -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
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> -- File: BBC News  AMERICAS  Pentagon plans propaganda war.htm
> -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
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> -- File: Concern at Pentagon Over 'Strategic Influence' Plan.htm
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