2006/11/15, Kaneri Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Reid,

So far I have only updated:

I have created an updated RPM build guide I am still working on here:

So If you would like to wikify them go ahead :) Hopefully they aren't too rough.

For the Main Page, Install guides should probably be in user support
and perhaps there should be a Projects page, listing all the different
projects happening at the moment, like YIS, E17 etc. I would perhaps
change the Development Guides heading to a link to the Developer guide
page, where we can  list out all the dev guides and have better
descriptions of what each is about. And change the order of them so
Newbies can start with the first and by the time they reach the last
guide they are Pro's.

Just my two cents for the Main Page :)

Sounds reasonable good. Just not too many levels of structure. That's
all I am begging for :D .


Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Linux Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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