Hi guys,

I have submitted wxGTK 2.8.7 to Rocketfuel-3.1 and I would like to ask for 
everyone to keep an eye on it, just in case any bug/problem related to it come 
up. I have also submitted FileZilla, Code::Blocks and aMule which depend 
on/require wxGTK 2.8. aMule is not fully compatible with wxGTK 2.8 yet and the 
only work around is to apply a patch that converts some code snippets to wxGTK 
2.8 API. Since this patch is unofficial, I'm not sure whether or not it could 
cause the resultant binary to be a bit unstable. However, I think aMule 2.2.0 
should be realesed in the following weeks since they haven't released any 
version for quite long time already. 

I hope everything works seamlessly. For any comment, please, don't hesisate to 
contact me.

Regards! :-) 
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