[YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
Jos ga nisam prob'o, al obecava, navodno bolji od VLC-a (bolje radi


Takodje kad smo vec kod plejera, izas'o je i novi The Kmplayer (koji ja
inace koristim i veoma sam zadovoljan istim)


Ako ste znali za neki od ovih ili oba, sta da vam radim...

* Robert Osswald * ro.ossw...@gmail.com * http://www.robertosswald.com *
* Gchat:ro.osswald * MSN:ro.ossw...@gmail.com msn%3aro.ossw...@gmail.com *
Skype:r.osswald * Y!:robertosswald *

[YUmetal] hr test

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
Here's something I thought was an excellent example of HR people tend to
think (copied from

1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.

2. Put your new hires in the room and close the door.

3. Leave them alone and come back after six hours.

4. Then analyze the situation.

a. If they are counting the bricks, put them in the Accounting Department.

b. If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing.

c. If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in

d. If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in

e. If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations.

f. If they are sleeping, put them in Security.

g. If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in Information

h. If they are sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.

i. If they say they have tried different combinations and they are looking
for more, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.

j. If they have already left for the day, put them in Management.

k. If they are staring out of the window, put them in Strategic Planning.

l. If they are talking to each other, and not a single brick has been moved,
congratulate them and put them in Top Management.

m. Finally, if they have surrounded themselves with bricks in such a way
that they can neither be seen nor heard from, put them in Congress.

* Robert Osswald * ro.ossw...@gmail.com * http://www.robertosswald.com *
* Gchat:ro.osswald * MSN:ro.ossw...@gmail.com msn%3aro.ossw...@gmail.com *
Skype:r.osswald * Y!:robertosswald *

[YUmetal] hacker/admin personality test

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald

* How do you work in a team situation when all the other team
members are fools and idiots?
* How well do you program under the influence of hard drugs?
* Have you ever beaten or killed a co-worker?
* Give me a rough estimate of the maximum dollar amount that you've
stolen from each of your previous employers.
* Do you object to bullwhips in the workplace?
* Emacs or vi?
* You have a large network of Suns being used by secretaries for
word processing in FrameMaker. Which GNU packages would you install for your
own entertainment, and how would you justify them later?
* You see a wounded puppy bleeding and whimpering on the side of
the road while you're running to work to fix a downed computer that tens of
users are waiting for. Do you let the puppy die? Why not?
* How much of your workday would you waste by reading news?
* Recite the GNU Manifesto.
* How many clients (30% diskless, 60% dataless, 10% /var/spool/mail
only) can a Sun 600MP server serve simultaneously, and what relation does
this have to angels and pinheads?

* Robert Osswald * ro.ossw...@gmail.com * http://www.robertosswald.com *
* Gchat:ro.osswald * MSN:ro.ossw...@gmail.com msn%3aro.ossw...@gmail.com *
Skype:r.osswald * Y!:robertosswald *

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+
Jebem li ga, meni je MPC sasvim dovoljan vec dugo vremena.

[EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Peril Eyes

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Nikola Savic
Ne pcuj.

+goThic+ wrote:

 Jebem li ga, meni je MPC sasvim dovoljan vec dugo vremena.

 [EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Peril Eyes


Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Dachaz
MPC je djubre.
MPlayer je keva!
Ima tih MPlayer wrappera gomila, pri čem' je spomenuti solidan izbor  
za Winblows.

Freelance web developer

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+
pa da. instaliram kodeke koji mi trebaju i to je to...
nisam nesto ljubitelj tih standalone plejera...

Robert Osswald wrote:
 to ocu da kazem... mpc zavisi (kao i vecina tih kojekakih plejera) od 
 kodeka instaliranih na sistemu.
 za razliku od vlc, mplayera i the kmplayera...

[EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Louder Than Words

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+

Dachaz wrote:
 MPC je djubre.
 MPlayer je keva!

[EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Second Chance