[YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
Jos ga nisam prob'o, al obecava, navodno bolji od VLC-a (bolje radi upsampling)... http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/index.php?tr_lang=en Takodje kad smo vec kod plejera, izas'o je i novi The Kmplayer (koji ja inace koristim i veoma sam zadovoljan istim) http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/showthread.p

[YUmetal] hr test

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
Here's something I thought was an excellent example of HR people tend to think (copied from here[ theage.com.au]): 1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room. 2. Put your new hires in the room and close the do

[YUmetal] hacker/admin personality test

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
http://kuoi.com/~kamikaze/Hacker/interview.php[ kuoi.com] * "How do you work in a team situation when all the other team members are fools and idiots?" * "How well do you program under the influence of hard drugs?" * "Have y

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+
Jebem li ga, meni je MPC sasvim dovoljan vec dugo vremena. -- [EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Peril Eyes

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Nikola Savic
Ne pcuj. +goThic+ wrote: > > Jebem li ga, meni je MPC sasvim dovoljan vec dugo vremena. > > -- > [EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Peril Eyes > >

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Dachaz
MPC je djubre. MPlayer je keva! Ima tih MPlayer wrappera gomila, pri čem' je spomenuti solidan izbor za Winblows. -- Dachaz dac...@dachaz.net Freelance web developer http://www.dachaz.net/

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор Robert Osswald
to ocu da kazem... mpc zavisi (kao i vecina tih kojekakih plejera) od kodeka instaliranih na sistemu. za razliku od vlc, mplayera i the kmplayera... On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 22:25, Dachaz wrote: > MPC je djubre. > MPlayer je keva! > Ima tih MPlayer wrappera gomila, pri čem' je spomenuti solida

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+
pa da. instaliram kodeke koji mi trebaju i to je to... nisam nesto ljubitelj tih standalone plejera... Robert Osswald wrote: > to ocu da kazem... mpc zavisi (kao i vecina tih kojekakih plejera) od > kodeka instaliranih na sistemu. > za razliku od vlc, mplayera i the kmplayera... -- [EBM/Ind

Re: [YUmetal] yet another standalone movie player

2009-01-13 Прати разговор +goThic+
Invert. Dachaz wrote: > MPC je djubre. > MPlayer je keva! -- [EBM/Industrial/Futurepop] Informatik - Second Chance