Currently, an option to keep a cache of translated templates is
offered via an environment variable, making application startup
considerably faster. However, it might be more intuitive to follow
Python's behavior of writing a .pyc-file next to the original file.

This could only work for us, if all current "translations" of the
template would be kept in the same file. Hence, instead of using the
canonical symbol ``render`` for the render-method, we'd use
``render_some_signature`` and have them appear one next to the other
in the .pyc file.

The cache would function like so:

1) Try to import the render-method from the file ""
2) If this fails, compile the template and append it to this .pyc file
(by remarshalling the module contents).


1) Follows common Python behavior
2) Does not require environment variable
3) Plays nice with XIncludes*.

*) As you may know, XIncludes allow including templates by filename,
which may be computed dynamically at render-time.


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