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derajat kekuasaan hukum?,20081003-138525,uk.html

AGO Plans Execution No Later than This Year
Friday, 03 October, 2008 | 16:39 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Attorney General Office said on Friday 
execution of the convicted Bali bombers will be carried out this year, but the 
AGO said it would also wait the Constitutional Court's decision on a judicial 
review on the execution methode.

Jasman Panjaitan spokesman for the AGO said on Friday "the exact time for the 
execution has not been determined," however.

Prior to the Ramadan fasting month, the Attorney General Hendarman Supandji had 
stated several times that the bombers will be executed before the fasting month.
Jasman continued that the AGO is also waiting for the result of judicial review 
on the methode of execution filed by the convicts. The convicts' legal 
representatives said that execution by shooting is a form of torture and 
therefore the regulation that provide the legal basis for the methode Law no 
569/PnPS/1964 should be revoked. 

But the AGO said it will remain on its plan to execute the bombers by the end 
of this year, should the Constitutional Court could not decide on the matter 

Famega Syavira 


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