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Mumbai police end 'remorseless' killing at hotel

    * Story Highlights
    * NEW: Death toll climbs to 146 as commando says attackers showed no remorse
    * NEW: Police say standoff at Oberoi Hotel has finally ended; 30 bodies 
    * Up to two militants still believed in Taj with at least two captives
    * Fighting between Indian forces, gunmen reported at Jewish center

MUMBAI, India (CNN) -- Mumbai police have ended the standoff at the Oberoi 
Hotel more than 40 hours after it began, rescuing hostages and killing two of 
the terrorists described as showing "no remorse" in the attack that left at 
least 125 people dead.

However, standoffs continued at the Taj Mahal Hotel -- where one gunmen is 
still holed up -- and Chabad House, where several Jewish people are believed to 
be held hostage by two to three gunmen.

Police said two terrorists had been killed at the Oberoi and 30 bodies 
recovered. Officers were going from floor-to-floor to check for victims.

Relieved guests, many of them foreigners and some children, hugged one another 
before boarding buses and vans brought in to take them away.

Meanwhile, an Indian commando told reporters outside the Taj that the 
terrorists fired at hotel guests "with no remorse," and knew the layout of the 
hotels well enough to "vanish" after confronting security forces. VideoWatch 
the commando talk about the attackers »

"Not everybody can fire the AK series of weapons, not everybody can throw a 
grenade like that," the commando said. "It is obvious that they were trained 

Minutes after he spoke, fresh firing broke out at the Taj, sending reporters 
and onlookers ducking for cover. VideoWatch report about hotel gunmen still 
fighting »

Elsewhere, in a city already on edge, false rumors of shots fired at a railway 
station and a nearby hospital sent panicked people scrambling while police with 
guns converged en masse.

Meanwhile, sharpshooters kept up a steady stream of fire at the building 
housing the Chabad House, where several Jewish people are believed to be held 
hostage. VideoWatch report about Nariman House stormed »

Hours earlier, a shell-shocked city awoke to television images of Indian 
soldiers rappelling down ropes from military choppers on to the roofs of Chabad 

Authorities said the death toll from the coordinated attacks carried out on at 
least seven sites Wednesday night was 146, including at least six foreigners 
and 14 police officers, with 327 people wounded.

Army Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj said at least one gunman -- possibly more -- could 
still be inside the Taj, holding two or more hostages. All remaining hostages 
and guests would be rescued by midday, he said. VideoListen to Israel's 
response »

"It is possible that some of the hotel guests have locked themselves in and for 
their own security and safety -- even though we have identified ourselves -- 
they are not opening the doors."

Outside the Oberoi hotel, onlookers cheered as about 90 guests, including at 
least one infant, were escorted out from the hotel premises and quickly herded 
into waiting vans. Many of them appeared to be foreigners.

But the euphoria was short-lived as a hotel spokesman clarified that the 
evacuees were guests at the Trident hotel, which is connected to the Oberoi by 
a common corridor. VideoWatch eyewitness to attack discuss his experience »

The Italian foreign ministry said among the group were five of seven Italians 
who had been held hostage, including the wife of the hotel's Italian chef and 
her infant. Also in the group were several flight attendants working for 
Lufthansa and Air France, the foreign ministry said.

Two dozen soldiers landed on the rooftop of the Chabad House building Friday 
morning, with gunfire and at least 10 explosions heard soon after.

Police did not have a clear picture of how many gunmen remained or how many 
hostages they were holding inside the building, also known as the Nariman 
House. It is the Mumbai headquarters of the Chabad, an Hasidic Jewish movement. 
VideoWatch report about Indian government response »

Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg, the city's envoy for the Chabad community, and 
his wife were believed inside. A cook at the center, who had barricaded herself 
in a room, grabbed the couple's 2-year-old son and escaped with another person, 
the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

In a nationally televised address on Thursday, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan 
Singh said the attackers were foreigners but did not specify where they were 

The identity of the attackers remains a mystery. Police say the attackers came 
by boats to the waterfront near the Gateway of India monument and the two 
hotels. VideoWatch analysis of Mumbai attacks »

The Indian navy, stepping up patrols on the country's western coast after the 
attack, was questioning the crew of the MV Alpha, a ship they detained with the 
help of the Indian coast guard. Authorities suspect the attacks originated from 
this ship, which they believe came from Karachi, Pakistan.

Karachi police chief Waseem Ahmad said they had no evidence the attackers 
departed from there.

And Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, in a telephone call to his 
Indian counterpart Friday, said he would send the chief of his country's 
intelligence agency to assist with the investigation. VideoWatch Pakistan's 
response to attacks »

Gilani made the offer after Singh indicated the gunmen may have come from 
Karachi, said Gilani's spokesman Zahid Bashir.

State media Press Trust of India, citing Union Cabinet Minister Kapil Sibal, 
reported the gunmen had worked for months to prepare, even setting up "control 
rooms" in the two luxury hotels.

The Indian authorities said no one had claimed responsibility, but a group 
called the Deccan Mujahideen took credit in e-mails sent to several Indian news 

Interpol said it would send a delegation to India.

"When such coordinated and planned terrorist attacks are carried out against 
international targets and when a country's head of government states there are 
suspected 'external linkages', the police in the country concerned require 
international assistance," said Interpol's Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.

CNN's Andrew Stevens, Mallika Kapur, Harmeet Singh, Sara Sidner, Alessio Vinci, 
Reza Sayah and Paula Newton contributed to this report.

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� 2008 Cable News Network.

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