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UK terror link probe in Mumbai

Saturday, November 29 08:21 am

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The Foreign Office has said there is "no evidence" to suggest those responsible 
for attacks carried out in Mumbai are British. Skip related content
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UK terror link probe in Mumbai
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Reports from India have suggested that UK-born Muslims were involved in 
carrying out the massacre which has claimed the lives of least 155 people.

The siege at the Taj Mahal hotel ended in the early hours bringing to a halt 
three days of terror in the city.

Reports said seven of the gunmen had British links and quoted Indian sources 
claiming that suspects from Leeds, Hartlepool and Bradford as well as 
British-born Pakistanis were involved.

Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Maharashtra state - of which Mumbai is 
the capital - was reported to have said that two Pakistanis of British descent 
were among eight terrorists arrested during sieges.

But a spokesman for the Foreign Office said last night: "We have spoken to 
Indian authorities at a high level and they have said that there is no evidence 
that any of the terrorists either captured or dead are British."

Referring to the comments reportedly made by Mr Deshmukh, he said: "He said no 
such thing either publicly or privately."

And speculation linking the attackers with Bradford, West Yorkshire, was 
dismissed by the Leeds-based Counter Terrorism Unit.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith also said UK authorities had "no knowledge" of any 
British links with the massacre.

A team of detectives from Scotland Yard is flying to Mumbai to help Indian 
authorities with the investigation.

Officers are also meeting Britons returning on flights to London's Heathrow 
Airport and handing out leaflets appealing for information.

A wealthy British businessman, Andreas Liveras, was killed and eight others 
injured in the wave of terror which swept India's financial capital.

Among them was 29-year-old Harnish Patel, from Havant, Hampshire, who was shot 
in the ribs and legs.

His father, Manashvi Patel, 56, said his son was in shock and could not yet 
walk following an operation.

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