Refleksi: Ada-ada saja judul terjemahan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Obama's Jihad: Jakarta to the Whitehouse
How many Americans know that when Obama had his bloviating screed "The Audacity 
of Hope" was translated into Indonesian - the title went from "The Audacity of 
Hope" to "Jihad: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse". The man is dishonest about 
his Islamic leanings. Check this our from An American expat Living in Indonesia:

   Jihad: From Jakarta To The Whitehouse 

  When I first saw the recently released Indonesian translation of Barack 
Obama's book "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming The American Dream", 
over here in Southeast Asia I was completely taken aback not only by the 
violent imagery in new title of the book, "Menerjang Harapan: Dari Jakarta 
Menuju Gedung Putih", but by the fact that it was not really a translation at 
all, but rather a completely different title than the original book.

  A correct translation of the title of Obama's book would have been 
"Keberanian Harapan: Pemikiran Untuk Meraih Kembali Impian America" which 
translates into "Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming The American Dream". 
However, the title for the Indonesian translation of Barack Obama's book is 
"Menerjang Harapan: Dari Jakarta Menuju Gedung Putih" which translates into 
"Assault Hope: From Jakarta to the White House".

  Why would the publishers drastically change the title of the book for the 
Indonesian translation and make use of such figurative language? Your guess is 
as good as mine, but it would seem that Barack Obama is quite interested with 
promoting himself in Southeast Asia as a crusader for the cause of Indonesia's 

Read it all .......most disturbing.

Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 04:11 AM in Muslim in 
the White House?, WHITE HOUSE: THE RACE TO NOVEMBER | Permalink 

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ยป Obama's 'Jihad'? from Hyscience
How many Americans are aware of just how clearly dishonest Obama has been and 
is about his Muslim leanings and background?... the title for the Indonesian 
translation of Barack Obama's book is "Menerjang Harapan: Dari Jakarta Menuju 
Gedung Putih" which... [Read More] 


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