MEDICAL scientists di Oz telah menemukan vaccine anti skin cancer yg
banyak diderita sun-loving Australians.

Seorang Muslimah anggota perkumpulan ngaji di Sydney terdengar nyeletuk
'Makanya Aulloh memerintahkan kami memakai jilbab spy tidak kena kanker
kulit!' Temen2nya setuju dan ngangguk2.

Mereka ini sudah terkena penyakit 'Deedatism' yaitu menyambung2 hal2 yg
jelas tidak nyambung demi pembelaan keterpurukan diri mereka sendiri
akibat a set of cruel beliefs.

Gabriela Rantau
--- In, Jusfiq Hadjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saat rata-rata pengikut agama Islam yagn ajarannnya dungu, buas,
kejam, kej, ganas, zalim lagi biadab itu sibuk membuang-buang waktunya
untuk zikir dan tungang tunggik kayak onta dientotin jirapah lima kali
sehari menyembah Allah fiktif; saat ratusan ribu diantar mereka sibuk
tiap tahun  membuang-buang duit unutk naik haji sembari lari-lari kayak
orang sedeng di Makkah sono dan melempari setan yang nggak ada di padang
pasir sono; saat mereka itu sibuk saling berbunuhan dan bikin onar....
> Orang kafir tidak henti-hentinya melakukan penelitian untuk memajukan
ilmu ketabiban dan berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan lain......
> ----
> Cancer drug success 'on the rise'
> Cancer drug research is entering a new era which will mean more
successful drugs for patients, says a charity.
> However, Cancer Research UK called for pharmaceutical firms and
academics to be more open about those which do not make the grade.
> Improved knowledge of cancer's biology means 18% of new drugs,
compared to 5% previously - will become standard treatments, said the
charity's experts.
> Their research was published in the journal Nature Reviews Drug
>     We strongly believe that both industry and academia must improve
the availability of data related to failed as well as successful drug
development programmes
> Professor Herbie Newell
> Cancer Research UK
> The hunt for cancer drugs is carried out on a massive scale, but there
is also a massive failure rate, as promising candidates fall by the
wayside in clinical trials.
> This costs drug firms and charities such as Cancer Research UK many
millions, although scientists can learn lessons even from expensive
> Some studies have estimated that, in the past, just 5% of cancer drugs
in the pipeline actually end up in the clinic being used day to day.
> Data on 974 drugs under development, gathered by Cancer Research UK
experts, suggests that 18% of them will prove successful in clinical
> It is hoped that many of them will be alternatives to conventional
chemotherapy, which can have unpleasant and dangerous side-effects,
targeting the mechanisms of cancer cells more directly, with less damage
to healthy cells.
> Genetic make-up
> Dr Ian Walker, the licensing manager at the charity's commercial
development arm, said: "This clearly demonstrates the benefits of
developing molecularly targeted treatments for cancer - understanding
more about the basic biology of cancer is making a real difference to
the success rate for new anti-cancer drug development."
> The ability to tailor drug choices to the genetic make-up of patients
in some cases is also having a benefit.
> However, Professor Herbie Newell, also from Cancer Research UK, said
that minimising the number of "failures" - and their cost to the
industry - would be vital, and this could be helped if researchers and
drug companies were more open about what worked, and what did not:
> "We strongly believe that both industry and academia must improve the
availability of data related to failed as well as successful drug
development programmes.
> "The sharing of such information can only be beneficial for clinical,
scientific and commercial reasons - and will help measure our progress
as well as pinpoint areas for improvement."
> Story from BBC NEWS:
> Published: 2008/11/16 00:00:22 GMT
>  ---------------
> Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
> Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
hanyalah Allah fiktif.

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