BANYAK MUSLIM penipu yg mencoba iming2 duit jutaan dollar kpd siapa saja
yg greedy dan dungu. Begitu anda beritahu orang2 spt Sheik Amin Al-Obeid
ini account number anda maka mereka akan meminta uang administrasi yg
cuman US$ 100.00 untuk mengurus 'hadiah' anda. Sesudah itu mereka akan
menemui anda di kota besar (bisa di Indonesia atau di luar negeri) dan
anda akan diminta sogokan sejumlah US$1,000 dsb. Sesudah itu anda tidak
pernah mendengar lagi dari Sheik2 spt ini.

So, hati2 dan ingatlah "When something sounds too good to be true, it is
invariably a sham, a fraud!" So beware!

Gabriela Rantau

--- In, "Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sheik Amin Al-Obeid
> Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:37 AM
> Subject: Assalamu'alaikum
> Dear Brother!
> Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu,
> Alhamdulillah As you read this mail, you will understand the reason I
choose to contact you through this medium. My name is Dr. Sheikh Amin
Al-obeid, (69yrs) a former member of Lebanese parliament and one time
deputy to the ambassador of Lebanon in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1987. Now i
live in London and co-founder of islamic aid charity organisation.
> I have been diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer (cancer of the throat)
for 5yrs now. I have come to the reality of this world, because it is
the destiny of everyman to die someday. The cancer has defiled all forms
of medical treatment, I have only few months to live according to my
medical experts. My only regret now is my inability to donate charity
and humanitarian project to less privileged, poor and disables in the
society. Though I am very well to do, i was never open handed; I was
always hostile to people and regarded them like they never had hopes of
becoming as successful as myself. Now I know that there is a lot more to
life than just prosperity.
> Now that death is eminent, I have willed and given most of my
belonging to immediate and extended family members, as well as a few
close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul. Hence
I have decided to support charity/humanitarian work; this is what i want
to be remembered for. So far, I have been able to reach out to a few
charity organizations in Africa. Now that my health has deteriorated so
badly, I cannot do this myself anymore.
> I once asked members of my family to aid me in giving of help/alms to
those organizations taking care for the less Privileged in Asia, middle
east. They sometimes shortchanged the amount or kept the resources to
themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be
contempt with what I have left for them.
> The last of my deposit now is an equivalent of (US$3,130,000.00) which
no one knows about, is the deposit of Three Million, One Hundred &
Thirty Thousand US dollars that I have in a bank (UNITED OVERSEAS BANK
(UOB) THAI PCL) in Bangkok, Thailand while I was assistant to the then
ambassador of Lebanon to Thailand. I have advised the bank manager and
the director of International remittance dept. of the bank that the
balance and it's accrued interests should be transferred to four
individuals I shall direct to them from Asia, middle east, Africa and
Europe. I would want you to contact the remittance director to transfer
to you 25% of the US$3,130,000.00 and it's accrued interests.
> Please Dear Brother, understand that this is for charity and
humanitarian projects only. Endeavour to use it judiciously especially
for donation to world disasters like earthquake, cyclones, floods and
storms and for the less privileged, disables and religious schools.
> Wassalam!
> Dr.Sheikh Amin Al-obeid.
> ISLAMIC AID (Charity/Humanitarian Foundation)
> 47 Theydon Street
> London E17 8EN
> Tel:+44-7045707347
> website:

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