Paul McCartney - one of the Beatles diancam akan dibunuh kalo dia pergi
ke Israel untuk main musik. Omar Bakri Muhammad seorang im extremist
mengacam akan mengirim orang2 yg siap diktrbankan kalo McCartney tetap
akan melakukan show di Israel.

Luar biasa kejamnya orang ini dg serta-merta mencapnya sbg musuh umat
Islam krn dia akan mengadakan show di Israel. Kasihan juga di dunia ini
ada orang2 yg ngidap paranoia begitu heibat sehingga siap sedia membunuh
orang2 yg tidak bersalah krn agamanya.

Gabriela Rantau

Sir Paul's family: "Racked with worry" Sep 18 09:07am
Sir Paul McCartney's children are "racked with worry" over death threats
made against their father.

Mary, Stella, James and step-daughter Heather are all extremely
concerned about the former Beatle's upcoming concert in Israel after he
received murderous warnings from Islamic extremist Omar Bakri Muhammad.

The star was branded an "enemy" of all Muslims for his decision to
perform in the Jewish country, but 66-year-old Paul has dismissed the

A family source said: "Paul's family know he's not the type to back down
but that doesn't stop them being extremely worried about him.

"It's understood his kids would prefer him not to do the show but they
also accept their dad will do what he believes to be right and won't be
scared off."

The music legend is due to perform at the Friendship First concert,
which marks Israel's 60th anniversary, later this month. Hate preacher
Bakri has revealed there are martyrs prepared to give up their lives in
order to kill Paul.

Bakri was quoted as saying: "Our enemy's friend is our enemy. We have
what we call 'sacrifice' operatives who will not stand by while he joins
in a celebration of their oppressions.

"If he values his life Mr. McCartney must not come to Israel."
Speaking on a TV show about the possible assassination attempt, Paul
said: "I was approached by different political bodies who asked me not
to come here. I refused. I do what I think and I have many friends who
support Israel."

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