MUNGKIN saja pernyataan anggota parlemen Mesir ini bisa dipake oleh para
Islamist Indonesia untuk me-review dukungan gigih mereka untuk negara
Palestina (yg tidak sekuler, yg berdasarkan Shariah).

Spt sering disebut dlm posting members milis ini banyak umat Islam
Indonesia yg membabi-buta mendukung Palestina sedangkan negara2 Arab
termasuk Mesir adem2 saja, artinya mereka tidak segetol Muslim Indonesia
dlm mendukung Palestina.

Kenafa? Karena mereka sadar bhw Palestina akan terus menjadi duri di
lambung bagi negara2 sekelilingnya (tidak saja Israel). Palestina adalah
medan perebutan kekuasaan politik dan pengaruh antara gerakan2 extremist
a.l. Hamas dan Fatah. Sebagian besar penduduk Palestina sebenarnya
adalah orang2 Mesir yg melarikan diri dari negara asalnya krn tindak
kriminal, krn melawan pemerintahnya dsb. Yasser Arafat almarhum adalah
juga pelarian politik dari Mesir.

Yg jelas sejak didirikannya Palestina Liberation Organization itu
kerjanya cuman buat onar(selalu nyalahin Israel - sedangkan kenyataannya
internal konflik). PLO itu dari didirikannya sampe sekarang hidupnya krn
dibantu negara2 kafir sampe beberapa taon lalu diongkosi USA dan sejak
USA menghentikan bantuannya, kehidupan bangsa Palestina itu ditanggung
negara2 UniEropa.

Sebagian cukup besar dari pekerja Palestina hidup dari upah bekerja di
Israel. Anehnya bangsa ini selalu menginginkan lenyapnya negara Israel
yg makmur yg memberi penghidupan kpd mereka!

Gabriela Rantau
--- In, "Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>             Last update - 18:27 03/12/2008
>       Egypt MP: We won't let Hamas form an Islamic emirate in Gaza
>       By News Agencies
>       Tags: Hamas, Israel News, Egypt
>       A ranking Egyptian official on Wednesday lashed out at Hamas,
saying the militant Palestinian group won't be allowed to set up an
Islamic emirate in the Gaza Strip, the coastal territory which it
>       Mustafa el-Fiqi, who heads the Egyptian Parliament's foreign
relations committee, said Egypt wouldn't tolerate an Islamic state on
its eastern border.
>       Egypt is increasingly displeased with Hamas - especially after
it boycotted Egypt-mediated Palestinian reconciliation talks in Cairo
last month.
>       El-Fiqi's comments Wednesday indicate that Egypt plans to
continue efforts to isolate the Gaza Strip.
>       Hamas security frees three reporters in Gaza
>       Hamas security forces freed three Palestinian journalists on
Wednesday whom they had arrested last month under accusations that they
had fabricated news critical of the Islamist group, officials said.
>       The journalists worked in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip for
the Palestine Press, a local news agency with ties to the group's main
rival, President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction.
>       A Hamas internal security official said the three men were
released after they confessed that they had "fabricated reports"
critical of the Hamas cabinet and its security forces.
>       One of the journalists, speaking to reporters and human rights
officials -- as Hamas security men stood nearby -- said after their
release: "We made a mistake and it won't be repeated."
>       The Hamas security official said the release followed "intense
intervention by fellow journalists" who appealed to the group's leader
in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh.
>       Since Hamas routed Fatah forces in Gaza last year, activists had
traded accusations of persecution. The Islamist group says several
Hamas-affiliated journalists have been imprisoned by security forces
loyal to Abbas in the Israeli-occupied West Bank

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