Agama saya ini bukan seperti yang lain selalu ada kaitan dg nama 
pembawanya,coba simak:

1.Dinamai agama yahudi,ada unsur ras Yahudi.
2.Dinamai Buddha,karena dibawa sang Buddha.
3.Dinamai Hindhu,ada hubungan dg tanah Hindustan.
4.Dinamai Kristen,soale dibawa sang Kristus.
5.Roma Katholik,ada hubungan dg nama daerah Romawi.
6.Greek Katholik,ada hubungan dg nama daerah Yunani.
7.Kristen Jawi,ada hubungan dg ras Jowo,so do HKBP.
8.Kong Hu Chu,dibawa oleh Kong Hu Chu.
Nah ini dia Islam,gak ada kaitan dg nama pembawa ataupun tanah asal usul 
pembawa,dan tertulis didalam Quran bahwa nama agamanya Islam.
Jadi jangan sebut agama saya Muhameddan,soale gak ada dikitab saya.


- In, Sang Kebenaran <sangkebena...@...> wrote:

Kencing binatang yg diminum ternyata buat sakit ginjal.

Baguslah klo ada Muhammedan yg tetap pengen minum kencing unta karena ikutin 
Hadits, ngurangi jumlah Muhammedan yg ga waras, seperti Tawang, Reza, dll

--- Pada Sab, 25/7/09, utusan.allah <> menulis:

Dari: utusan.allah <>
Judul: [proletar] Re: Muhammad's Camel-Urine Therapy
Tanggal: Sabtu, 25 Juli, 2009, 5:13 PM


                  Anda itu dungu kayak kebo Tawang...

Nggak ada  bukti bahwa tu anak sembuh karena minum kencing.

--- In prole...@yahoogroup, "tawangalun" <tawangalun@ ...> wrote:


> Siapa yang bilang harus kencingnya sendiri.Buktinya waktu kecil dulu Sartini 
> sakit batuk nggigil disuruh minum urine bapake namanya pak Redjo.Sembuh juga 
> tuh.Yang jelas jangan apriori dulu peh kencing lantas kau anggap gak 
> mungkin.Jadi urine uwong dg unta itu yo gak jauh beda.Buktinya anak uwong 
> dikasih susu sapi yo bisa dikasih susu kambing yo bisa.Dasar wong guoblog..


> Shalom,

> Tawangalun.


> - In islamkristen@ yahoogroups. com, Rahman Ikhwansyah <nyawa.iblis@ > wrote:


> kencing onta sama kencing orang sama gak ?....tawang ..tawang...terapi minum

> kencing itu juga harus kencingnya sendiri, bukan kencing orang

> lain...apalagi kencing binatang, onta....guoblok tenan sampean iki...


> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:22 AM, tawangalun <tawangalun@ > wrote:


> >

> >

> > Jadi Sang Kebohongan itu hanya mau ngritik kencing unta soale sumbernya

> > hadis,begitu saya sodori bahwa dr.Atma Jaya Kristen yang meneliti urine

> > manusia sebagai obat,diem dia .Jadi Sang Kebohongan yang mengaku bernama

> > sang Kebenaran itu wong culas.

> >

> > Shalom,Tawangalun.

> >

> >

> > - In islamkristen@ yahoogroups. com <islamkristen% 40yahoogroups. com>,

> > "tawangalun" <tawangalun@ > wrote:

> >

> > Di Palembang dulu saya pernah ngikuti ceramah dari dr yang presentasi

> > terapi pakai urinenya sendiri.Dia memang melakukan penelitia.Saya juga nyoba

> > ketika mata saya gatal saya rambang dg urine saya,baru dua kali sudah

> > sembuh.Lalu dibagian deket mata saya ada kulit yang kasar,lantas saya olesi

> > juga pakai urine.Wah sembuh je.Jadi intinya jangan mengecam sebelum anda

> > membuktikan. Dan dr yang presentasi tadi wong Kristen lo.

> >

> > Shalom,

> > Tawangalun.

> >

> > - In prole...@yahoogroup <proletar%40yahoogr> , Sang 
> > Kebenaran

> > <sangkebenaran@ > wrote:

> >

> > Muhammedan/Islam sungguh ajaran yg menjijikkan! !!

> >

> > Menjadikan kencing unta sebagai obat buat Muhammedan/Islamis adalah ajaran

> > idiot Muhammad!!!

> >

> > Muhammad's Camel-Urine Therapy...

> > by Lennard James

> > 23 May, 2009

> >

> > Seriously? Muhammad actually ordered his followers to drink camel

> > pee?? That's news to me! I looked up the hadith to verify what it

> > actually says. And guess what? See it for yourself: here's the full

> > hadiths:

> > Narrated Abu Qilabah:

> > Anas said, â€Å"Some people of

> > ‘Ukl or ‘Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not 
> > suit

> > them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels

> > and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine)...

> > Hmmmm interesting…. Muhammad ordered a tribe to drink camel

> > milk-n-pee smoothie as remedy to cure their aversion to dryness?

> > Don't you get it? Let's see what the Wikipedia has to say.

> > According to Wikipedia, the urine therapy was a form of

> > alternative medicine in several ancient cultures.

> > See! Now is what I call ‘Alternative Medicine’. This was just

> > as silly and kooky then, as it is now???

> > People are advised against drinking urine because it mightâ€"besides

> > just being plain old grossâ€"give them rashes (so caution is very

> > necessary, please don’t take this as serious stuff!). Or, as in the

> > case of the ‘Ukl/‘Uraina tribes, it might even 
> > cause….urine

> > madness!!! (A New threat to mankind’s extinction, other than the

> > weird viruses that plague us…).

> >

> > The hadith continues, "So they went as directed and after

> > they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and

> > drove away with all the camels."

> > ‘Hahahahah… good riddance to cleaver thinkers!’ The

> > pee-drinkers turned into pee-zombies and killed a guy. Then they

> > chased away the camels, which is dumb, considering that’s where

> > their â€Å"medication†is coming from??? Now how did the good prophet

> > react to all of this? With vengeance, of course!

> >

> > "...The news reached Muhammad early in the morning and he

> > sent his men (sahibahs) in their hot pursuit and they were captured

> > and brought at noon. Muhammad then ordered to cut off their hands and

> > feet (and it was done), and as well their eyes were branded with

> > heated pieces of iron rods. They were put in ‘Al-Harrah’ and 
> > when

> > they asked for water; no water was given to them†, till they died

> > of extreme thirst!!!

> >

> > Did you catch all of that? One more time, in bulleted form:

> > • Mojo had the tribe captured.

> > • Mojo had their hands and feet cut off.

> > • Mojo branded their eyes with hot iron rods.

> > • Mojo dumped them in Al-Harrah

> > (a large volcanic field near the Jordanian border)…

> > • Thirst… with no water! So they can’t even make

> > more piss to drink.

> >

> > Wow! Just wow!!! And in case you’re thinking maybe Muhammad

> > wasn’t such a nice guy after all, the hadith ends with some good

> > old-fashioned enabling:

> > Abu Qilabah said, â€Å"Those people committed theft and

> > murder, became infidels after embracing Islam and fought against

> > Allah and His Apostle.â€

> >

> > It’s never Muhammad’s fault when he has to torture and murder

> > someone. He always has a justification: it’s their fault, it’s

> > always their fault!

> > Anyway, here’s what seems more likely to me. Muhammad told the

> > tribe to drink the â€Å"medicine†and they believed him... They

> > believed him enough to drink warm camel milk (desert, remember???)

> > mixed with warm camel pee. This did nothing for their climate woes,

> > and they realized just how crappy Muhammad was! They got pissed (no

> > pun intended…), killed the shepherd and chased away the camels in

> > revenge. And you know the rest...

> > And with that, I’m off to make a pee-milkshake to cure my aching

> > butt cheeks. I had one of those killer workouts yesterday that left

> > everything from the waist down sore. Hurt real bad... need a real

> > good Mojo remedy...

> >

> > Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih cepat

> > yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. Dapatkan

> > IE8 di sini!

> > http://downloads. id/internetexplo rer/

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> > --- End forwarded message ---

> >

> >  

> >


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