Friday, February 20, 2009 
15:38  Mecca time, 12:38  GMT     
News Middle East  
Kerry shuns Hamas during Gaza visit   
Kerry said his visit to the area does not signify a change in America's stance 
towards Hamas [AFP]    The
US will not change its stance towards Hamas, John Kerry, the former
democratic US presidential candidate, has said during a tour of Gaza.
His comments came on Thursday during the highest-level visit by a US
official to the territory since Hamas seized control two years ago.
"I am here to listen with the UN personnel on the ground to hear ...
the things we need to do is to improve the situation in the region," he
said. "[This
visit] does not indicate any shift whatsoever with respect to Hamas ...
what it indicates is our effort to listen and to learn," Kerry said in
the Israeli town of Sderot before entering Gaza.
Accompanied by UN escorts, Kerry said he was in Gaza to view the
aftermath of Israel's military offensive, which killed more
than 1,300 Palestinians, hundreds of them civilians, caused widespread
destruction and left thousands of people homeless.
Politicians Brian
Baird and Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the US congress,
also visited Gaza in the first visit by US congressmen to the Strip for
four years, and helped out volunteers at the UN relief agency, Unrwa,
in Zeitun.
None of the three were expected to meet members of Hamas.
Ahmed Yousef, a Hamas official, welcomed the arrival of the
Americans, saying: "We highly appreciate the visit of any delegation
that wants to find out the facts and see what has happened on the
ground in Gaza."
Meanwhile, Israel launched further air raids on the Gaza Strip on
Thursday, which the Israeli military said were in response to
Palestinian rockets fired at southern Israel.
No injuries were reported in the strikes on six tunnels in Rafah, near the 
Egyptian border. 

'No decisions'
Kerry, who inspected the ruins of a school destroyed in the Israeli
offensive and toured a neighbourhood heavily damaged in the fighting,
spoke to local residents. 
Shaarhabel Alzeem, a prominent lawyer, told him: "We highly
appreciate your visit here and hope you can talk to your colleagues and
say that we want peace with Israel. But we also need to live
respectable lives."
Sporadic violence has continued since Israel withdrew its forces from Gaza 
Kerry replied: "Your political leadership needs to understand that
any nation that has rockets hitting it for many years threatening its
residents is going to respond.
"[Hamas] needs to make it clear how it is willing to move to make peace and 
those decisions have not been made yet." 

the head of the senate foreign committee, Kerry is a senior
Democrat, but all three men were visiting the region in their own
capacity and not as representatives of the administration of Barack
Obama, the US president.
Hamas won elections in 2006 and consolidated control of the Gaza Strip in 2007.
Although Israel and Hamas declared unilateral ceasefires on January
18, sporadic violence has persisted amid Egyptian-brokered attempts to
reach a long-term peace deal.  
 Source: Agencies   
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