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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
23:10 Mecca time, 20:10 GMT      
News Americas
UN 'must' support Bashir arrest
The ICC prosecutor accused Bashir of
"inciting violence" over the charges [AFP]

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has warned the UN it 
"must be prepared" for the possible arrest of Omar Hassan al-Bashir, president 
of Sudan, on genocide charges over
the Darfur conflict.

Louis Moreno-Campo told the UN Security Council on Wednesday that if the court 
decided to issue a warrant for al-Bashir's arrest there should be "united and 
consistent action" to ensure its execution.

Moreno-Ocampo also accused Bashir of promising ceasefires then ordering bombing 
raids in Darfur, of denying that mass rapes were taking place and of promising 
justice while witnesses were being tortured.

Al-Bashir's "criminal actions should not be ignored," the prosecutor said on 
Wednesday while delivering a report on the situation in Darfur to the council.

"The international community cannot be part of any cover-up of genocide or 
crimes against humanity."

The ICC, which is based at The Hague, is expected to make a decision on any 
arrest warrant by early next year.

'Inciting violence'

Moreno-Ocampo also said al-Bashir has been "inciting violence" over the 
genocide charges by threatening civilians and African Union-UN peacekeepers 
operating under the council's authority.

The court last year issued arrest warrants for a Sudanese government minister 
and for a commander in the government-backed Janjawid group, blamed for many of 
the atrocities in Darfur.

But Khartoum does not recognise the court and has consistently refused to hand 
over suspects.

Several African and Arab states have criticised Moreno-Ocampo's attempt to 
bring Bashir before the ICC and suggested the Security Council should delay any 

There has been some support among China, Russia, African and Arab nations for 
invoking the council's power to defer Moreno-Ocampo's prosecution for at least 
a year, out of fear that an attempt to arrest al-Bashir could cause further 
chaos in the nation.

Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey at the UN in New York says there is concern at 
the organisation that a warrant could make the situation on the ground in 
Darfur even more difficult for peacekeepers and aid workers.

Bashir announced a unilateral ceasefire by government forces in the country's 
western Darfur region earlier in November but anti-government groups dismissed 
the move as "insincere".

UN officials say up to 300,000 people have been killed since the Darfur 
conflict erupted five years ago and that around 2.7 million have been driven 
from their homes.

However, Sudan says 10,000 people have died in the conflict.
 Source:     Agencies

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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