As Arab television audiences grow, so does criticism from conservatives 
By Robert F. Worth

Saturday, September 27, 2008 
BEIRUT: Many Arabs were shocked and appalled this month when a prominent Saudi 
cleric declared that it was permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV 
stations that broadcast "immoral" material.

But the comment, by Sheik Saleh al-Luhaidan, was only the most visible part of 
a continuing cultural controversy over Arab television.

This summer another Saudi cleric denounced the Arab world's most popular TV 
show ever - the dubbed Turkish series "Noor" - calling it "replete with evil, 
wickedness, moral collapse and a war on the virtues." He also urged Muslims not 
to watch the series, which portrays the lives of moderate Muslims who drink 
wine with dinner and have premarital sexual relations.

And last week, as if to provide comic relief, a third Saudi cleric said (in all 
seriousness) that children should not be allowed to watch Mickey Mouse, 
labeling that Disney cartoon character a "soldier of Satan" who should be 

To some extent, the controversy - which has generated more than a few headlines 
in the Arab press - reflects a cultural gap between the producers and consumers 
of television. While most Arab TV dramas are produced in Syria and Egypt, the 
Arab world's biggest TV market, in Saudi Arabia, is by far the most religiously 
and culturally conservative.

Some shows that test the limits on the treatment of sexual relations and gender 
roles are clearly "exposing people who are culturally isolated to modernity at 
a pace that is faster than they would like," said Ramez Maluf, an associate 
professor of communications at Lebanese American University.

But it may be the rising popular impact of television, as much as its content, 
that is making these shows so controversial. Recent surveys released by Arab 
satellite television networks suggest that TV dramas are reaching larger 
audiences than ever before.

"You can't put the consumer back in the box, and the authorities find that 
threatening," said one Arab television executive who spoke on condition of 
anonymity for fear of repercussions. "A generation is growing up, and they 
watch this stuff and care about it; they upload the characters' faces onto 
their cell phones."

Four major serials scheduled to run through the Muslim holy month of Ramadan 
have been canceled. Two about Bedouin history were dropped because they 
apparently offended the sensitivities of tribal leaders in Saudi Arabia, and 
two were canceled in Syria after they treaded too close to criticizing members 
of the regime there.

Ramadan always puts a special focus on television, because Arab networks 
prepare special monthlong series that attract enormous audiences. Many of the 
shows are religious or traditional in their themes, in deference to the 
holiday, which began Sept. 1 this year.

But not all of them are, and while there have been criticisms from 
conservatives in the past, this year there have been an unusually high number 
of cancellations and controversies, according to television executives and 
media analysts.

Arab regimes have long tried to stifle the development of critical news 
coverage, especially on television. They renewed that effort this year, with 
most of the Arab information ministers signing an agreement in Cairo to impose 
restrictions on the satellite channels that have done so much to free up the 
airwaves in the past decade.

The recent controversy over soap opera-style serials suggests that the Arab 
authorities, whether religious, tribal or political, are anxious about the 
extraordinary public reach of such muselselaat and their power to challenge 
accepted ideas or traditions.

Perhaps the best example is "Noor," the popular Turkish series that ran over 
the summer. The show violated Arab cultural taboos in a number of ways: besides 
having Muslim characters who drank wine with dinner and had premarital sex, a 
cousin of the male protagonist, Muhannad, had an abortion.

Perhaps more important, Muhannad treats his wife as an equal and supports her 
career as a fashion designer.

The show and the liberties it displayed prompted unusual condemnations from 
hard-line clerics throughout the Middle East, including Sheik Abdul Aziz 
al-Asheik, Saudi Arabia's leading cleric, who issued an instruction that 
Muslims should not watch it.

But the show appears to have been the single most popular television drama ever 
shown in the Arab world. The finale, broadcast Aug. 30, drew 85 million 
viewers, according to surveys by the Middle East Broadcasting Corp., the 
network that showed it. Of those, more than 51 million were women over 15, more 
than half the total number of adult women in the entire Arab world.

Its handsome protagonist became a heartthrob, and his respectful treatment of 
his wife caused marital arguments and even divorces in several countries, 
according to reports in Arab newspapers.

The success of "Noor" was not just in its characters and themes, but in its 
language. The show, which flopped when it was shown in Turkey, was dubbed into 
colloquial Arabic, not the more formal language of news shows. This is rare in 
the Arab world, where most foreign shows are subtitled.

"Dubbing the show into colloquial speech brought it much closer," Maluf said. 
"Some people were thirsting for that, and others found it very threatening."

That divided response was apparent this month when Luhaidan, who is chief 
justice of Saudi Arabia's highest legal authority, the Supreme Judicial 
Council, made his comment about killing the owners of satellite TV stations 
that broadcast indecent material.

His comments were quickly rebroadcast, and an uproar ensued. Critics across the 
ideological spectrum, including some hard-line Saudis, berated him as having 
crossed the line. Some of the television networks Luhaidan appeared to be 
referring to are owned, after all, by members of the Saudi royal family.

Luhaidan is said to have been surprised by all the controversy. A few days 
later, apparently under pressure from senior figures in the Saudi government, 
he appeared on state television to explain. He said he had not meant to 
encourage or condone the murder of TV station owners. Assuming other penalties 
do not deter them, he said, the owners should first be brought to trial and 
sentenced to death - and then they could be executed.


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