Pakistani president offers India nuclear promise

    * Story Highlights
    * Pakistani president assures rival India he would not be the first to use 
    * President Asif Ali Zardari proposes the idea of a nuclear-free South Asia
    * Predominantly Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan have fought three wars 
since 1947

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) -- Pakistan's president has assured rival India he 
would not be the first to use atomic weapons in any future conflict and 
proposed the idea of a nuclear-free South Asia.

Pakistan's nuclear doctrine, unlike India's, does not contain a clause saying 
the country will not use its weapons first in conflict.

It was not clear if President Asif Ali Zardari's comments, made Saturday during 
a video conference question-and-answer session organized by The Hindustan Times 
newspaper of India, represented a formal change in policy.

Asked by a student whether Pakistan was prepared to say it would not use a 
nuclear weapon first, Zardari said: "Most defiantly, I am against nuclear 
warfare altogether," he said.

The moderator then asked the question again, pointing out to Zardari that his 
earlier answer was a "headline." Zardari again replied, "Definitely."

Zardari proposed the idea of a nuclear-free South Asia, saying he could 
persuade lawmakers to support such a plan, the reports said.

"I am sure I can get my parliament to agree with that, straight on. Can you say 
the same?" he asked those in attendance, which including government and 
business leaders.

He gave no more details on the idea, which Pakistan -- six times smaller than 
India -- has proposed before.

Predominantly Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan have fought three wars since they 
were created in the bloody partition of the Indian subcontinent at independence 
from Britain in 1947.

The stakes got much higher after both tested nuclear weapons in 1998.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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