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U.S. envoy to press Israel on two-state solution with Palestinians

    * Story Highlights
    * George Mitchell to meet with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    * Netanyahu has not explicitly said he supports Palestinian statehood
    * Israel's foreign minister has said Annapolis peace process is "null and 
    * Israeli President Shimon Peres meets with Mitchell, supports dialogue 
with Iran

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- U.S. envoy George Mitchell was in Israel on Thursday for his 
first visit since right-wing politician Benjamin Netanyahu became prime 

It is Mitchell's third visit to the region since President Obama appointed him 
as special envoy for Middle East peace.

Mitchell plans to meet with Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians Thursday, 
as well as Palestinian leaders -- including President Mahmoud Abbas -- in the 
West Bank and Jerusalem on Friday.

The former senator and seasoned diplomat has not been shy in articulating the 
U.S. desire to see a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 
which has led to speculation that the new Israeli government and the Obama 
administration may find themselves on a collision course.

Netanyahu has indicated he wants serious negotiations with the Palestinians to 
continue, but he has not explicitly stated his support for Palestinian 

Questions about the new Israeli government's commitment to a negotiated peace 
process came up when the new foreign minister, nationalist politician Avigdor 
Lieberman, declared the Annapolis process "null and void." The Annapolis 
process, launched by the Bush administration in 2007, paved the way for the 
resumption of Israeli and Palestinian talks after they stopped earlier in the 

After meeting Lieberman on Thursday morning, Mitchell said he had reiterated 
the U.S. stance.

"U.S. policy favors, with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a 
two-state solution which would have a Palestinian state living in peace 
alongside the Jewish state of Israel," Mitchell said. "We look forward also to 
efforts to achieve a comprehensive peace throughout the region."

Lieberman said the two men had a "great opportunity to exchange some ideas" and 
spoke about close cooperation.

"We spoke to coordinate our position regarding the Palestinian issue, regarding 
the area problems," he said. "We are looking forward to the next meeting for 
some really deep dialogue about security, about economy, about all problems in 
the entire region."

The Israeli foreign minister said Israel will do everything necessary to 
improve the Palestinians' economic situation. But in a statement after his 
meeting with Mitchell, he emphasized that Israel expects an "unequivocal 
commitment" from the international community to Israel's security and to the 
Jewish state.

Mitchell met Wednesday night with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who told the 
U.S. envoy that the countries' bilateral relationship is "deep and close."

"It is possible to reach cooperation and understanding on all issues that are 
on the table," said Barak.

The issue of Iran and its nuclear program was also a topic Thursday. After 
Mitchell met with Israeli President Shimon Peres, the president said he 
emphasized dialogue on the issue.

"It is our common interest that dialogue with Iran will expose if there is an 
opportunity with Iran or is it all a hoax," Peres said. "We all want a world 
that is clean of nuclear bombs, but the problem is that those holding the bombs 
are religious fanatics, extremists, that do not cringe from all methods of 

"We need to create a wide international cooperation regarding the matter of 
Iran," he said. "All this talk about a possible attack by Israel in Iran are 
not true. The solution to Iran is not a military solution."

Lieberman said the subject of Iran is a "major problem" for Israel and the 
whole region.

"If you are looking for a stable solution to the Palestinian problem, before 
everything else you have [to] stop the intensification and the spreading of the 
Iranian threat," Lieberman said in his statement.

CNN Jerusalem Bureau Chief Kevin Flower contributed to this report.

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