Doctor reveals new face of terrorist

    * Story Highlights
    * Dr. Bilal Abdulla's professional life is different to radicals seen 
before in UK
    * Anti terror officer tells PA Abdulla was a self-taught, self-starter
    * Abdulla planned car bomb attacks in June 2007 on targets in Glasgow and 
    * He was found guilty of conspiracy to murder in June 2007

LONDON, England (CNN) -- The conviction of a terrorist doctor in the UK exposes 
how any section of society can become radicalized, a top police officer said 

Bilal Abdulla was well-educated and working as a doctor when he carried out his 
plot to plant car bombs in London -- rather than unemployed or with feelings of 
being outside or abandoned by society as has been seen before in the UK.

Born in southern England, his family moved to Iraq when he was a child. He grew 
up in the capital during Saddam Hussein's rule and went to the University of 
Baghdad before returning to Britain to attend Cambridge University.

The Cambridge-educated graduate became a doctor working in the National Health 
Service where the maxim is to treat anyone regardless of the ability to pay.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner John McDowall, who heads the Counter Terrorism 
Command, said Abdulla and Kafeel Ahmed -- who died from burn injuries after he 
crashed a jeep into Glasgow International Airport, Scotland -- reveal a new 
type of terrorist.

He told the UK's Press Association: "These individuals were not on our radar 
and that in itself is very interesting. When you look at the profile of these 
individuals they are very different from the terrorists we have dealt with in 
this country before - being professional people.

McDowell added they were probably inspired by al Qaeda in Iraq but developed 
their plan in Britain without help from abroad.

"I think this was a group that was largely self-motivated, came up with the 
ideas themselves, tutored themselves through the Internet. I don't think they 
received significant training elsewhere, which is unusual from what we have had 
in the past," he told PA.

Abdulla's motive, prosecutors said, was revenge for the bloodshed in Iraq. 
Prosecutor Jonathan Laidlaw said: 'There is no longer a conventional approach 
to terrorism. There are no rules to be broken any more, nothing can be taken 
for granted."

Abdulla was found guilty Tuesday of conspiracy to murder and conspiring to 
cause explosions. He will be sentenced to Woolwich Crown Court, London, on 

The jury rejected his defense that he had planned only to set fire to cars in 
central London as a way of highlighting the plight of Iraqis.
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