Refleksi : Pemerintah US mencari uang yang digelapkan oleh Madoff. Bagaimana 
dengan uang Soeharto yang disembunyikan di sana sini? Apakah pemerintah 
Indonesia tidak bersedia mencari? Mengapa partai-patai politik dalam kampanye  
Pemilu ini  tidak menyuarakan bahwa kalau mereka menang  maka uang Soeharto 
yang disembunyikan diberbagai pelosok dunia menjadi  salah satu prioritas 
penting bagi mereka untuk disita oleh negara dan dipakai untuk kepentingan 
rakyat?  Apakah tingkah laku partai-partai  besar ini dan para petingginya  
tidak membicarakan masalahnya karena mereka  berhutang budi besar kepada 
Soeharto dan oleh karena itu membisu serta berlagak pilon?

March 16, 2009, 10:16 am 
Government Files Notice Seeking Madoff Assets

Federal prosecutors filed a notice in federal court on Sunday evening declaring 
their intent to seek the forfeiture of a wide swath of property owned by 
Bernard L. Madoff and his wife, Ruth.

Listed in the two-page notice are the Madoffs' homes in Manhattan, Montauk, 
N.Y., Palm Beach, Fla. and the Antibes in France. Prosecutors are also seeking 
their interests in Cohmad Securities, a securities firm under investigation by 
the state of Massachusetts, and a Wachovia bank account in Ruth Madoff's name 
holding more than $17 million. 

Other items sought by prosecutors include yachts, all bearing names ending in 
"Bull"; four cars; silverware; and a Steinway piano. (Read the notice after the 

The notice follows Mr. Madoff's guilty plea last week in the biggest securities 
fraud scheme in corporate history.

Most of the information on the Madoffs' property was made public on Friday by 
lawyers for Mr. Madoff. The Madoffs' net worth was valued at more than $823 
million at the end of 2008, according to a filing in a civil lawsuit brought by 
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Some of the property, such as the boats, is registered in Ruth Madoff's name. 
She has not been charged with a crime and had no formal association with her 
husband's business. But some of her actions - notably the withdrawal of $15.5 
million from Cohmad days before her husband's arrest and the mailing of more 
than $1 million of jewelry and watches - have brought harsh scrutiny.

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