Hindus, wake up! you may be next victim of Muslims!! 
Posted on 19 December, 2006 

HJS participates in protest against Hindu leader’s murder(28 th December 2006) 
Third serial attack on Hindu leadership! BJP leader stabbed(22 nd December 
Sukhanand Shetty’s suspected killer killed in encounter(21 st December 2006) 
Prime accused in Shetty’s murder, Akbar Kabeer arrested (21 st December 2006) 
Another Hindu leader hacked to death! (18 th December 2006) 

Hindu brethren, how long you will just read details of atrocities on Hindus? 

Shri. Sukhanand Shetty a BJP leader from Mangalore known for his intense 
Hinduism was brutally murdered on 1 December 2006. He was struck with sword by 
Muslims. The images of his murder show the cruel mentality of Muslims. 
Understand the strategy of the Muslims in killing handful of Hindus who strive 
for Hindudom. 

late Shri. Sukhanand Shetty 

Shri. Sukhanand Shetty’s dead body 



Arm cut from elbow 

The broken wrist 

Read the detail news of late Shri. Sukhanand Shetty’s murder (Click here) 
http://www.hindujagruti.org/eng/phpnews/news.php?action=fullnews&id=12 66 

Muslims ploy to eliminate staunch Hindu leaders in Karnataka 

Mangalore: After the murder of staunch Hindu leader Shri. Sukhanand Shetty, 
there has been atmosphere of terror in the State of Karnataka. The police have 
so far nabbed 9 persons in connection with the killing, out of them 3 are 
directly connected to the crime and all 9 persons are Muslims. It has been 
unearthed in the police interrogations that a Muslim mafia has made a plan to 
eliminate all Hindu leaders in Karnataka. A list of Hindu leaders has been 
obtained by the police. It has also been learnt that a Muslim goon named Maduru 
Isubu has collected over a crore of rupees from various Muslim businessmen to 
execute the plan. 

Source: ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’
By Baljit Rai 

Mahatama Gandhi pernah menulis, " Islam dilahirkan dlm lingkungan dimana PEDANG 
adalah dan masih merupakan hukum tertinggi ----- PEDANG masih sangat nampak 
diantara Muslim. Pedang itu harus dimasukkan kedalam sarungnya kalau Islam 
memang mau diartikan sesuai dgn artinya --- damai." 

Bgm sebagian besar kaum HINDU hilang lewat operasi pedang Islam ? 

Pegunungan Himalaya, mutiara terpenting India yg juga dikenal dgn nama Himadri, 
Himavan atau Himachal, memiliki paling sedikit 
40 puncak dgn tinggi lebih dari 7000 meter, dan memilki panjang sampai 2400 
kilometer dari Sungai Indus didekat Gilgit sampai Jurang Brahamaputra di Upper 

Peg. Himalaya bukan sekedar fenomena geografis namun bagian dari nafas dan 
kehidupan rakyat India. Himalaya adalah tempat tinggalnya berbagai dewa dan 
dewa agama Hindu dan menyimpan berbagai tempat ziarah sejak jaman baheula. Peg 
Himalaya dihiasi dgn pura2 Hindu yg luar biasa cantiknya serta biara2 Budha dgn 
tipe arkitektur yg berbeda2. 

.. Namun kini keadaan diatas itu mengalami ancaman serius. But sadly that warp 
and woof is changing at a galloping pace and the very culture of Himalayas is 
under serious threat and siege, as we shall see presently. 

UTk mengerti pembagian daerah Himalaya, kita harus melihat ke 4 segmen yg dari 
Barat sampai Timur melampaui:- 

The Punjab Himalayas. This segment covers a stretch of Himalayan Mountains for 
a distance of 560 Kilometres between River Indus and Satluj. A major portion of 
this segment of Himalayas lies in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. 
Himalayas, which form part of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and beyond have already 
gone Islamic. 
The Kumaon Hills extend over the distance of 320 Kilometres with River Satluj 
being its Western extremity and River Kali as the Eastern extremity. 

The Nepal Himalayas. This segment of Himalayas is 800 kilometres long and 
stretches from River Kali in the West to River Tista in the East. Barring a 
small portion the entire stretch is congruous with the State of Nepal and hence 
known as Nepal Himalayas. 

The Assam Himalayas. This eastern most segment of Himalayas covers a distance 
of 750 kilometres and extends from River Tista to the river Brahamaputra in the 
East. This stretch covers a portion of Sikkim, Bhutan, and Arunachal Pradesh. 
After River Brahamputra, the mountains extend further eastward and from the 
Tri-Junction between India, Burma and Tibet, swing Southwards in the form of 
low hills which include the Patkai Bum, Naga Hills, Manipur Hills with a shoot 
heading towards Mizoram. They form a boundary between Mynamar and India. They 
then extend onto Arakan Yoma in Mynamar. 

The Kumaon Himalayas 

Nah, ketiga dari keempat segmen tsb, Punjab Himalayas, Nepal Himalayas and 
Assam Himalayas, yg kesemuanya mencapai jarak 
2080 km, hampir 86% dari jumlah panjang totalnya, dibawah ancaman bentuk 
terorisme yg paling parah. 

Bahkan Kumaon Himalayas, yg secara relatif tenang tidak imun dari infiltrasi 
pasukan Muslim. Jadi secara keseluruhan, seluruh kawasan Himalaya sebenarnya 
sedang dihancurkan oleh Islam (Fundamentalis). 

Tujuan mereka satu2nya adalah destabilisasi India dan Islamisasi.
KASHMIR : Muslim serang Pehijrah Hindu & Foto2 yg ingin disensor Muslim 



Belum puas memenggal kepala orang, patung KrishnaPUN dijadikan sasaran pedang 

Saya bersumpah akan kembali ke Islam jika ada Muslim di situs ini yg merelakan 
puteri mereka yg berumur 9 thn utk berbagi ranjang dgn saya (SESUAI DGN CONTOH 
MUHAMMAD, si insan al kamil itu tuh ... !) 

Dasar kepercayaan iman muslim dibangun diatas dusta,kebohongan dan teror 
pembunuhan yang biadab dimana saat zaman dan waktu sudah berubah kebenaran yang 
ada diungkapkan dan tidak bisa dihalangi ataupun dibendung serta kejahatan 
pembunuhan sudah dapat diantisipasi dan diminimalkan maka saat itu juga ambang 
kehancuran islam akan terjadi dan pada saatnya islam akan lenyap dan ini pasti 

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