Refleksi:  Tidak mengherankan bila DPR melarang buku "The Legacy of Ashes", 
karena sesuai dengan fungsinya sebagai Dewn Penipu Rakyat (DPR), maka tentunya  
mereka tidak mau supaya rakyat mengetahui rahasia umum.

House wants CIA book banned
The Jakarta Post   |  Mon, 11/24/2008 4:47 PM  |  National 

House Speaker Agung Laksono on Monday said he had requested the Attorney 
General's Office (AGO) ban a recently published translation of a book on CIA 
history, which claims an important Indonesian figure was a CIA agent.

"We have entrusted the matter to the AGO," he said as quoted by

The book, titled Legacy of ashes, the history of the CIA and written by New 
York Times journalist Tim Weiner, discusses CIA history in relation to 
international political events including
the bloody political situation in Indonesia of 1965.

Weiner quoted former CIA top agent Clyde McAvoy saying "Adam Malik was a CIA 
agent in 1964".

Malik was Indonesia's top diplomat and served as the country's vice president 
from 1978 to 1983. 

Separately on Monday, AGO spokesman Jasman Panjaitan said his office was still 
analyzing the book and had yet to decide whether to ban it.

"Our Social-Political Affairs Directorate is studying the book. We are looking 
into the substance of the book, and have yet to summon its writer," he said.

Jasman, however, said Malik's family could file a complaint over the book if 
they felt slandered. (anb/ewd) 

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Rabin Dranir (not verified) - Fri, 11/28/2008 - 5:28pm

Excuse me, but isn't it a cool thing if you join CIA? what's with all the fuss?

Lynda (not verified) - Thu, 11/27/2008 - 1:36pm

Umm, great, just like when Soeharto banned Adam Schwartz "The Nation in 
Waiting" back in '80s-'90s. I remember feverishly finally securing a copy 
during my time overseas, and after reading it I went "Meh?" out of confusion of 
what the fuss had been all about. That book is now widely sold in Indonesia and 
no revolution has been inspired by it.

Adam Malik's family reserves the rights to sue for defamation. But banning the 
public to read and subjectively think for themselves is equal to dumbing the 
nation -- 'pembodohan bangsa'.

Adamsen (not verified) - Wed, 11/26/2008 - 1:43am

I agree with all comments prior to mine.

Everybody knows that the Coup led by Suharto had CIA links. I am surprised that 
Suharto himself was not mentioned in the book?

I think the GOI still has the paranoia?

Sledet (not verified) - Tue, 11/25/2008 - 9:51am

A democratic system does not ban on books. What message will we send to the 
world and to our own people? Malik's family can sue Weiner, for that matter, 
and the government should not ban his book or any books based on fear that the 
family will do just that.

If the government needs something to do, why not chase the patented Indonesian 
folk songs by the Malaysian?

Rafiq Mahmood, Bogor (not verified) - Tue, 11/25/2008 - 9:08am

Excellent. The author will be pleased. Nothing is better to boost sales than by 
banning something.

I hardly think that the CIA's and MI6's engineering of the Soeharto coup and 
their accompanying death lists something to pretend didn't happen any more. If 
someone thinks he has been libelled by the book sue in the courts where it is 
published. Surely nothing to worry about now, though: few people who survived 
those dark times have their hands clean. 

If anyone wants to hush up what the CIA did then it is surely the CIA 
themselves? Why do their work for them and be more enthusiastic they they are?

Don't be silly.

Nairdah (not verified) - Mon, 11/24/2008 - 11:35pm

Note the name of the book. The History of the CIA. It is a global topic, not a 
book on Indonesia. The book is already published and selling like fresh cooked 
sate. Yes, there is a mention of Adam Malik. But the book contains other more 
serious aspects of Indonesian history that has been kept from Indonesians for 
decades. Indonesians are entitled to find out for themselves. The rest of the 
world already knows.

Please don't ban a comprehensive history of the CIA just because there is a 
short section on Indonesia you don't agree with.

And as for summoning the writer..... He is probably too busy doing book 
signings and media interviews.

Nairdah (not verified) - Mon, 11/24/2008 - 11:17pm

I think after all those decades of censorship of history by Soeharto, 
Indonesians don't need another Big Brother after the style of Soviet Russia or 
Maoist China to tell them what they can read or not read. Eventually the facts 
will be flushed out. And banned books.

Why is the automatic reaction of our politicians in Indonesia to ban anything 
they fear or dislike - the clothes that people wear, the movies they see, the 
books they can read,......the things they are allowed to think. Like the recent 
police decision to ban a movie even before it was filmed! Fear of the unknown 
is a powerful force in closed minds. 

Time to show some maturity and recognise that Indonesia is (still) a free and 
democratic country. 

If the Malik family feel an injustice, defamation, libel etc. they have a legal 
recourse. How one family might feel is surely not a good enough reason to block 
100 million people from reading the book.

But not to worry; if the book is banned I am sure that will attract greater 
readership be it from Singapore bookshops, the Internet or even local 
entrepeneurial book pirates. Banning books does not work in the modern world so 
lets have a read and we can be the judges. I am off to the bookshop now......

Alan (not verified) - Mon, 11/24/2008 - 8:53pm

Why should this be banned? What happened to reformation and democracy? What are 
they afraid of. It's hardly a secret outside RI that the Suharto administration 
had CIA links.

I'm sure the writer will be amused to know he might be 'summoned'.







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