Hukum Syaria rupanya mulai diberlakukan di Aceh Utara. Mencuri kambing
rupanya bisa berakhir dengan tangan dipotong. Cilakanya pencuri diancam
dipotong tangannya meskipun barang curiannya tidak terlalu berharga.

Mnrt Ketua Badan Syariah sudah 22 kasus penghukuman serupa dilakukan di
Aceh. Apa kalo korupsi juga bisa dipotong tangannya? Soalnya di Qur'an
tidak ada ayat ttg korupsi!

What's become to our civilized country and people ?

Gabriela Rantau

Monday, June 16, 2008 4:03 PM
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Mob tries to cut off thief's hand in Aceh
Hotli Simanjuntak        ,        The Jakarta Post          ,     
Lhokseumawe      |  Mon, 06/16/2008 10:03 AM  |  Headlines

Residents in a North Aceh village almost cut off a thief's hand late
Saturday, in what was the first known attempt at sharia-style punishment
of its kind in the province.

Saidan, 50, was rushed to the hospital unconscious after locals in
Meurah Mulia district accused him of stealing cattle and beat him up
before attempting to sever his left hand.

Residents of Desa Manyang said they had heard a villager cry for help
when Saidan was killing a goat in a shed behind a house. They ambushed
Saidan and tried to carry out the first sharia-style punishment for
stealing in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, although no such penalty formally
exists here.

A local, Muhammad, said villagers had been frustrated for some time with
thieves targeting their cattle.

"Usually thieves kill their catch in their sheds and take the meat to
market," he said.

Police said residents should not have taken the law into their own
hands, adding that Aceh does not have a regulation on stealing.

Since sharia law was introduced in 2004 the provincial government has
formulated bylaws on four issues -- Muslim clothing, liquor, gambling
and sexual behavior -- all punishable by flogging in public.

Natsir Ilyas, the head of the provincial sharia agency, said so far
there had been 22 cases of such punishments.

North Aceh Police chief Adj. Snr. Comr. Zulkifli said locals should have
delivered the suspect to the police.

"They should not have tried to cut off his hand; we have other legal
ways of dealing with thieves," he told The Jakarta Post. There was no
immediate report of arrests of residents involved in the incident.

Critics of sharia law in Aceh, based on its special autonomy law, say
its implementation discriminates against women and the poor. Dozens of
other regencies across the country have also adopted "Islamic" bylaws,
making use of unprecedented authority under regional autonomy.

The government said it would review bylaws in violation of the
Constitution. However in February home minister Mardiyanto said there
was no problem with the bylaws, saying they were only on public order
and did not apply to non Muslims.

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