Kepala Polisi di Sichuan, Chungkwo, telah menangkap dan menyerahkan ke
pengadilan 48 sanak-keluarganya yg telah melanggar hukum.

Kapan ada polisi, penegak huum di Indonesia yg jujur dan berani menyeret
keluarga sendiri yg korupsi, yg maling, yg melanggar hukum negara ke
pengadilan? Kalo penegak hukum Indonesia berani berbuat demikian, maka
cepatlah bangsa dan negara kita keluar dari kubangan kenistaan dan
kemiskinan yg mencekik ini.

Gabriela Rantau

Police chief arrests 48 relatives   November 12, 2008, 1:03 am        
Related Articles
BEIJING (Reuters) - A police chief in a remote county of southwestern
China has taken down 48 of his relatives, including brothers, cousins
and a number of his wife's family, for various crimes, local media said
on Tuesday.

Laobulaluo, a police chief in Heizhugou township, Sichuan province, had
seen 25 relatives either jailed, sent for "re-education through labor,"
or punished in other ways, according to a report posted on state news
portal (
<>  ).

The police chief, who is in his 30s, is a member of China's Yi ethnic
minority. Over a 10-year career, He had personally arrested a brother
and two cousins after finding they had beaten local teachers at a
primary school while drunk.

Other family members were arrested after stealing a woman's handbag.

The policeman's sense of duty had inflamed his relatives, some of whom
had taken turns threatening his parents, and had "even secretly cut off
the tails and slashed the legs of their cows," the report said.

"In the first few years, I did not dare head back to my hometown to pass
the New Year holiday, but now it's all right. Everyone understands and
supports what I was doing at the time," the report quoted him as saying.

(Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by Ken Wills and Sanjeev Miglani)

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