MUI investigates yoga, tells Muslims to suspend practicing
The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Tue, 11/25/2008 8:20 PM  |  National 

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) is telling Indonesian Muslims to stop 
practicing yoga while the council investigates the practice after public 
concern rose when a Malaysian top Muslim body banned the practice.

MUI head of edict affairs said Tuesday the council would invite yoga experts to 
explain the practice within the next two weeks.

"We will let them explain it to us before we issue an edict on the practice," 
he said as quoted by

The council plans to study whether yoga includes rituals, actions or teachings 
that run counter to Islamic teachings.

Last week Malaysia's National Fatwa Council, which has the authority to rule 
over how Muslims practice their faith, issued an edict banning Muslims from 
practicing yoga, saying the Indian physical exercise contains spiritual 
elements including chanting and Hindu worship practices that could corrupt 

Many analysts have said the edict reflects the growing strain of conservatism 
in Malaysia. The majority of Malaysians are Muslim. (dre)

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