DI TENGAH2 kerusuhan dan pembantian oleh Laskar Jihad beberapa taon
lalu, Ketua Laskar Jihad cabang Ambon dg bangga mengumumkan bhw LJ
setempat telah menerapkan hukuman rajam thdp seorang perempuan
(Muslimah) yg tertangkap basah berzina dg seorang anggota Laskar Jihad.

Jelaslah bhw pada waktu itu atopun sekarang Hukum Biadab spt ini tidak
berlaku di wilayah RI. Apakah pemerintah RI dan pihak kepolisian berani
mengambil tindakan atas pembunuhan keji yg dilakukan atas nama Aulloh di
Ambon pd waktu itu. Website LJ dg bangga memuat proklamasi pelaksanaan
hukum rajam nan biadab itu! Pengumuman aitu dg bangga ditanda-tangani
olehKetua Umum LJ di Ambon.

Hayo, Bapak Prez, Panglima Kepolisan Nasional. Kapolda Maluku beranikah
bapak2 yg terhormat menegakkan hukum RI? Kalo tidak ditindak maka
propinsi2 yg meng-gebu2 menerapkan Syariah Islam akan melakukan hukuman
keji, biadab itu krn mereka tau bhw pemerintah dan pihak kepolisian
takut, tidak punya nyali meberlakukan hukum negara!

Gabriela Rantau

--- In zamanku@yahoogroups.com, Jusfiq Hadjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jangan lupa bahwa kejadian seperrti ini bukan hanya terjadi di Afrika,
tapi juga di Ambon.
> http://www.geocities.com/arumbaikole/gatra040501.htm?20084
> Islam itu, saya bilang dan saya ulang adlah ajaran yagn hanya pantas
> untuk anjing liar dan binatang buas serta manusia dungu kayak anjing..
>  -------
> Stoning victim 'begged for mercy'
> A young woman recently stoned to death in Somalia first pleaded for
her life, a witness has told the BBC.
> "Don't kill me, don't kill me," she said, according to the man who
wanted to remain anonymous. A few minutes later, more than 50 men threw
> Human rights group Amnesty International says the victim was a
13-year-old girl who had been raped.
> Initial reports had said she was a 23-year-old woman who had confessed
to adultery before a Sharia court.
> The witness says she was forced into a hole, buried up to her neck
then pelted with stones until she died in front of more than 1,000
> Cameras were banned from the public stoning, but print and radio
journalists who were allowed to attend estimated that the woman, Aisha
Ibrahim Duhulow, was 23 years old.
> However, Amnesty said it had learned she was 13, and that her father
had said she was raped by three men.
>     People were saying this was not good for Sharia law, this was not
good for human rights, this was not good for anything
> Witness
> When the family tried to report the rape, the girl was accused of
adultery and detained, Amnesty said.
> Convicting a girl of 13 for adultery would be illegal under Islamic
> A human rights activist in the town told the BBC on condition of
anonymity that he had received death threats from the Islamic militia,
who accuse him of spreading false information about the incident.
> He denies having anything to with Amnesty's report.
> 'Checked by nurses'
> Court authorities have said the woman came to them admitting her
> She was asked several times to review her confession but she stressed
that she wanted Sharia law and the deserved punishment to apply, they
> But a witness who spoke to the BBC's Today programme said she had been
crying and had to be forced into a hole before the stoning, reported to
have taken place in a football stadium.
> "More than 1,000 people arrived there," he said.
> Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play.
> "After two hours, the Islamic administration in Kismayo brought the
lady to the place and when she came out she said: 'What do you want from
> "They said: 'We will do what Allah has instructed us'. She said: 'I'm
not going, I'm not going. Don't kill me, don't kill me.'
> "A few minutes later more than 50 men tried to stone her."
> The witness said people crowding round to see the execution said it
was "awful".
> "People were saying this was not good for Sharia law, this was not
good for human rights, this was not good for anything."
> But no-one tried to stop the Islamist officials, who were armed, the
witness said. He said one boy was shot in the confusion.
> According to Amnesty International, nurses were sent to check during
the stoning whether the victim was still alive. They removed her from
the ground and declared that she was, before she was replaced so the
stoning could continue.
> The port of Kismayo was seized in August by a coalition of forces
loyal to rebel leader Hassan Turki, and al-Shabab, the country's main
radical Islamist insurgent organisation.
> Mr Turki is on the US list of "financers of terrorism".
> It was the first reported execution by stoning in the southern port
city since Islamist insurgents captured it.
> The BBC had a reporter in the area, but he was shot dead in Kismayo in
> Story from BBC NEWS:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/africa/7708169.stm
> Published: 2008/11/04 13:12:21 GMT
>  ---------------
> Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo
> Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh
al-Mushaf itu dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab
hanyalah Allah fiktif.

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