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A C Grayling: An antidote to the prevailing superstition

Friday, 20 February 2009

The launch of a national federation of atheist, humanist and secular student 
societies is one of the brightest things to happen this winter.
Related articles

    * The march of the atheist movement

It is a good augury for the future that some of tomorrow's leaders are making a 
commitment to rational and ethical outlooks free of superstition. It promises 
hope of a world where faith – ultimately the opposite of reason – and dogma 
will not distort public debate in the interests of sectarian prejudice but 
where everything from public policy to the personal making of good lives will 
be the work of free and open minds.

Among the notable things about the launch at London's Conway Hall, attended by 
students from all over the country, were these: that a high proportion of those 
attending were science students, and a main reason why atheist, humanist and 
secularist groups are springing up in our universities is that they are a 
response to assertively proselytising religious groups, many of them externally 
funded and encouraged.

Why so many of the new activists among non-religious students should be 
scientists is obvious. Science is as much a mindset as a body of knowledge; its 
premise is that thought is to be guided by publicly testable and rationally 
consistent evidence. The discipline of this approach makes short work of the 
foundation of today's religions, which lie in the ignorance of people living 
several millennia ago. This critical, evidence-based, enquiring mindset also 
thinks afresh about the good for human lives and societies; it is this 
responsible motivation which most naturally accords with science at its best.

The other reason – the response to aggressive proselytising by religious groups 
– is prompted by a typical scenario: religious groups at freshers' fairs 
fastening on new students who are, perhaps, away from home for the first time, 
overwhelmed and nervous in the scary environment of university, surrounded by 
people making loud efforts to appear sophisticated, and in need of a friendly 
hand. The hand ceases to be friendly when the fresher wakes up to the 
limitations accepted in the moment of vulnerability. The non-religious groups 
aim to give a cheerful welcome and support without the baggage of having to 
think someone else's thoughts and follow someone else's rules as the price of 

The author is professor of philosophy at Birkbeck College, London

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

Allah yang disembah orang Islam tipikal dan yang digambarkan oleh al-Mushaf itu 
dungu, buas, kejam, keji, ganas, zalim lagi biadab hanyalah Allah fiktif.


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