Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: af79cf82c5a78a5d8ad1e48a80759903ed47d50c
  Author: kathryngo <>
  Date:   2018-03-14 (Wed, 14 Mar 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/components/Modal/index.jsx
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/components/Nav/index.jsx
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Admin/Review.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Admin/index.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/App.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Explore/index.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Glossary/DeleteEntryModal.jsx
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Glossary/index.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Languages/DeleteEntry.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Languages/Entry.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Languages/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/Languages/index.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/UserProfile/index.jsx
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/containers/UserProfile/index.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/entrypoint/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/styles/legacy.less
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/app/styles/style.less

  Log Message:
  fix(ZNTA-2405): isolate frontend css (#731)

* WIP: add wrapper to bootstrap css so it does not collide with assets

* WIP(ZNTA-2405): fix linting errors

* WIP: add wrapper to bootstrap css so it does not collide with assets

* WIP(ZNTA-2405) fix wrappers for frontend pages

* fix(ZNTA-2405) move non-boostrap frontend css to legacy.less

* fix(ZNTA-2405) move non-boostrap frontend css to legacy.less

* fix(ZNTA-2405): add comments for css wrappers

* fix(ZNTA-2405): css file formatting

* fix(ZMTA-2405) add missing code from master

* fix(ZNTA-2405) language page css fixes - containerSidebar height, search 
input-box-addon padding

* fix(ZNTA-2405) WIP: glossary fixes

* fix(ZNTA-2405) glossary and profile calendar fixed

* fix(ZNTA-2405) glossary modal styling

* fix(ZNTA-2405) minor fixes to frontend layout - WIP

* fix(ZNTA-2405) minor fixes to frontend layout - WIP

* fix(ZNTA-2405) languages and glossary page fixes

* fix(ZNTA-2405) explore and profile page fixes, removed browser agent margin 

* fix(ZNTA-2405) classname typo correction

* fix(ZNTA-2405) final fixes for review

* WIP: fixes for QA - containers, modals and floats

* WIP: frontend fixes - padding, modals, containers, nav

* fix(ZNTA-2405) padding and avatar layout on explore page

* fix(ZNTA-2405) center align modals and whitespace above page titles in 

* fix(ZNTA-2405) change Delete Language popover to tooltip so it works within 
the contraints of the bootstrap container

* fix(ZNTA-2405) remove empty css rule

* fix(ZNTA-2405) fix media queries and nav for gwt editor

* fix(ZNTA-2405) css code formatting for frontend

* fix(ZNTA-2405) remove extra semicolon from css file

* fix(ZNTA-2405) remove duplicate css rule

* fix(ZNTA-2405) isolate frontend css: center align admin rejection page

* fix(ZNTA-2405): rename PriorityDropdown

* fix(ZNTA-2405) typo removed from PriorityDropdown component

* fix(ZNTA-2405) update functional tests after css isolation

* fix(ZNTA-2405) attempt to fix test failures by changing container/nav styling

* fix(ZNTA-2405) attempt to fix test failures by changing container/nav styling

* fix(ZNTA-2405):  isolate frontend css

Remove empty lines from style.less

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