I'm sendting this out to Tom McHugh.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nokeating4
To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, 29 Oct 2005 03:42:03 -0400
Subject: New VO: FZ Related - Audio CDs 6/7 on 2 FLAC format

Thanks to Conehead for sending this on, I think I'm the last one here - anyone else?

This 2-disc set is now underway to John-US.
Thanks again, Michael.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:03 pm
Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: FZ Related - Audio CDs 6/7 on 2
FLAC format nokeating4

I'll take it Conehead - I'll send you my snail addy.


Conehead-BE << John-US

"Michael Painter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Disc 6 - The Grandmothers. 2005 08 19,
Arena Sant'Emidio (open air) - Cagli (PU) - Italy

Source: 1:43:59 AUD
Oktava MK12's card. caps. DIN -> digimod UA5 -> Nomad JB3 16bit/48Khz
wav -> downsampled 44.1Khz -> SBE fix -> flac

File Size: 546.8 MB (flac)

Flac fingerprints: see enclosed fingerprint.ffp file

Enclosed also some pics of the show

Napoleon 'Antonio Mandolini' Brock - lead vocals, tenor saxophone,
Don Preston - vocals, keyboards
Roy Estrada - bass, pachuco falsetto
Ken Rosser - guitar
Christopher Garcia - drums, vocals

01 Florentin Pogen 6:44
02 Lonely Little Girl 2:24
03 Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance 2:11
04 What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body 0:53
05 Chunga's Revenge 6:27
06 Oh No - Orange County - Trouble Every Day 18:53
07 Big Swifty 9:04
08 The Idiot Bastard Son 7:58
09 Village Of The Sun - Echidna's Arf 8:00
10 Watermelon In Easter Hay 8:31
11 Andy 8:12
12 Oh In The Sky 5:40
13 Pygmy Twylyte - Dummy Up 9:53
14 I'm The Slime 5:35
15 Mother People 3:34
Disc 7 -

Egon Kracht & The Troupe,
Joe's Garage, Uitmarkt Amsterdam, 28-08-2005

The Uitmarkt is a free outdoor event every last weekend in August,
where the cultural season is started & where groups, performers,
venues & theatres present themselves in half hour samples of their
program, 500 performances on 16 stages, 500.000 visitors.

The Troupe will perform their whole show in Amsterdam October, 23, I
will record that as well

Frans van Deursen - vocals
Jeroen Zijlstra - vocals, trumpet
Rutger Molenkamp - tenorsax
Jan Peter Bast - keyboards
Freek Kroon - vocals, drums
Milan Kracht - guitar
Murk Jiskoot - marimba, percussion
Egon Kracht - bass



1. Announcement
2. Joe's Garage
3. Catholic Girls
4. Keep It Greasy
5. Lucille
6. Packard Goose

For further Z-related fun, please visit http://www.thebignote.com or http://www.killuglyradio.com , thank you.


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