Jason sent me the download link for the challenge file, and I used the rust
implementation ebfull/powersoftau at commit
compiled with rustc version 1.24.1

I downloaded the challenge file around 6pm and copied it over the old HP

HP Pavilion G Series:
Architecture x86_64
CPU(s)         4

ubuntu 16.04.4

I wrote a script (https://github.com/libby/mixingpot) which takes in input
from various users, and hashes that input with the previous inputs.  The
idea was to try and find as many people as possible, explain Zcash and the
ceremony to them and get them to input their wishes/desires/random
thoughts/or whatever they wanted as secret input to be mixed in.

I arrived around 8:30pm at a neighborhood bar in south Brooklyn, a florist
shop with a whiskey bar tucked away in back.  Over the course of the night,
we collected input from people in the bar (10 women, 4 men and 1 other). I
started running the PoT program around midnight and it finished just as we
were being kicked out (2am). I copied the response file over to a USB and
rebooted the machine.  I uploaded the response file from a different

Here is the blake2b hash of the response:

1b657e0c fed6fd3e 504d5714 3c6569b6
644efcec af4ef3ef 573bdcc1 b8bd44ad
d9e88901 11cec479 bb6ea06f 9d020623
708f6346 1c2fdc4b 72dba494 cb38b8a9

Posted here as well: https://twitter.com/viskobatz/status/972008427458240512

I'm planning on taking the computer apart and will make a few pieces of
jewelry out of it, which I will then go and give to some of the
participants, e.g. the bartender (Scarlet), Kim who told me she works in
the neighborhood, and whoever else I can find.

Additional Info: I was originally going to run this at the Women in
Blockchain meetup in NYC, but it was cancelled due to a slushy snowstorm.
Amber Baldet obtained the old HP computer which she gave me to run PoT on.

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