Seif Lotfy has proposed merging lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/bluebird-symbol into 

Requested reviews:
  Zeitgeist Framework Team (zeitgeist)

For more details, see:

Adding the Symbol class... This should be merged when we are all happy with the 
Your team Zeitgeist Framework Team is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/bluebird-symbol into lp:~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/bluebird.
=== modified file 'src/datamodel.vala'
--- src/datamodel.vala	2011-07-29 13:24:59 +0000
+++ src/datamodel.vala	2011-07-29 16:27:42 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
 namespace Zeitgeist
@@ -364,6 +365,373 @@
             return vb.end();
+public struct TimeRange
+    int64 start;
+    int64 end;
+public enum ResultType
+    MOST_RECENT_EVENTS                   = 0,  //   All events with the most
+                                               // recent events first
+    LEAST_RECENT_EVENTS                  = 1,  //   All events with the oldest
+                                               // ones first
+    MOST_RECENT_SUBJECTS                 = 2,  //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only, ordered with the
+                                               // most recent events first
+    LEAST_RECENT_SUBJECTS                = 3,  //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only, ordered with oldest
+                                               // events first
+    MOST_POPULAR_SUBJECTS                = 4,  //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only, ordered by the
+                                               // popularity of the subject
+    LEAST_POPULAR_SUBJECTS               = 5,  //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only, ordered ascendingly
+                                               // by popularity of the
+                                               // subject
+    MOST_POPULAR_ACTOR                   = 6,  //   The last event of each
+                                               // different actor ordered
+                                               // by the popularity of the
+                                               // actor
+    LEAST_POPULAR_ACTOR                  = 7,  //   The last event of each
+                                               // different actor, ordered
+                                               // ascendingly by the
+                                               // popularity of the actor
+    MOST_RECENT_ACTOR                    = 8,  //   The actor that has been used
+                                               // to most recently
+    LEAST_RECENT_ACTOR                   = 9,  //   The actor that has been used
+                                               // to least recently
+    MOST_RECENT_ORIGIN                   = 10, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different subject origin.
+    LEAST_RECENT_ORIGIN                  = 11, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different subject origin,
+                                               // ordered by least
+                                               // recently used first
+    MOST_POPULAR_ORIGIN                  = 12, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different subject origin,
+                                               // ordered by the
+                                               // popularity of the origins
+    LEAST_POPULAR_ORIGIN                 = 13, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different subject origin,
+                                               // ordered ascendingly by
+                                               // the popularity of the
+                                               // origin
+    OLDEST_ACTOR                         = 14, //   The first event of each
+                                               // different actor
+    MOST_RECENT_SUBJECT_INTERPRETATION   = 15, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // interpretation only,
+                                               // ordered with the most
+                                               // recent events first
+    LEAST_RECENT_SUBJECT_INTERPRETATION  = 16, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // interpretation only,
+                                               // ordered with the least
+                                               // recent events first
+    MOST_POPULAR_SUBJECT_INTERPRETATION  = 17, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // interpretation only,
+                                               // ordered by the popularity
+                                               // of the subject
+                                               // interpretation
+    LEAST_POPULAR_SUBJECT_INTERPRETATION = 18, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // interpretation only,
+                                               // ordered ascendingly by
+                                               // popularity of the subject
+                                               // interpretation
+    MOST_RECENT_MIMETYPE                 = 19, //   One event for each mimetype
+                                               // only ordered with the
+                                               // most recent events first
+    LEAST_RECENT_MIMETYPE                = 20, //   One event for each mimetype
+                                               // only ordered with the
+                                               // least recent events first
+    MOST_POPULAR_MIMETYPE                = 21, //   One event for each mimetype
+                                               // only ordered by the
+                                               // popularity of the mimetype
+    LEAST_POPULAR_MIMETYPE               = 22, //   One event for each mimetype
+                                               // only ordered ascendingly
+                                               // by popularity of the
+                                               // mimetype
+    MOST_RECENT_CURRENT_URI              = 23, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only by current_uri
+                                               // instead of uri ordered
+                                               // with the most recent
+                                               // events first
+    LEAST_RECENT_CURRENT_URI             = 24, // One event for each subject
+                                               // only by current_uri
+                                               // instead of uri ordered
+                                               // with oldest events first
+    MOST_POPULAR_CURRENT_URI             = 25, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only by current_uri
+                                               // instead of uri ordered
+                                               // by the popularity of the
+                                               // subject
+    LEAST_POPULAR_CURRENT_URI            = 26, //   One event for each subject
+                                               // only by current_uri
+                                               // instead of uri
+                                               // ordered ascendingly by
+                                               // popularity of the subject
+    MOST_RECENT_EVENT_ORIGIN             = 27, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different origin
+    LEAST_RECENT_EVENT_ORIGIN            = 28, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different origin, ordered
+                                               // by least recently used
+                                               // first
+    MOST_POPULAR_EVENT_ORIGIN           = 29, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different origin ordered
+                                               // by the popularity of the
+                                               // origins
+    LEAST_POPULAR_EVENT_ORIGIN           = 30, //   The last event of each
+                                               // different origin, ordered
+                                               // ascendingly by the
+                                               // popularity of the origin
+ * An enumeration class used to define how query results should
+ * be returned from the Zeitgeist engine.
+ */
+public enum RelevantResultType
+    RECENT  = 0, // All uris with the most recent uri first
+    RELATED = 1, // All uris with the most related one first
+ * Enumeration class defining the possible values for the storage
+ * state of an event subject.
+ * 
+ * The StorageState enumeration can be used to control whether or
+ * not matched events must have their subjects available to the user.
+ * Fx. not including deleted files, files on unplugged USB drives,
+ * files available only when a network is available etc.
+ */
+public enum StorageState
+    NOT_AVAILABLE   = 0, // The storage medium of the events
+                         // subjects must not be available to the user
+    AVAILABLE       = 1, // The storage medium of all event subjects
+                         // must be immediately available to the user
+    ANY             = 2  // The event subjects may or may not be available
+public class Symbol
+    private HashTable<string, Symbol> children;
+    public HashTable<string, Symbol> allChildren;
+    public string   name { get; private set; }
+    public string   uri { get; private set; }
+    public string   displayName { get; private set; }
+    public string   doc { get; private set; }
+    public Symbol(){}
+    public List<Symbol> get_parents()
+    {
+        return new List<Symbol>();
+    }
+    public List<Symbol> get_children()
+    {
+        return new List<Symbol>();
+    }
+    public List<Symbol> get_all_children()
+    {
+        return new List<Symbol>();
+    }
+    public bool is_a(Symbol symbol)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+public class Event : Object
+    public uint32    id { get; set; }
+    public int64     timestamp { get; set; }
+    public string    interpretation { get; set; }
+    public string    manifestation { get; set; }
+    public string    actor { get; set; }
+    public string    origin { get; set; }
+    public GenericArray<Subject> subjects { get; set; }
+    public ByteArray payload { get; set; }
+    construct
+    {
+        subjects = new GenericArray<Subject> ();
+        // FIXME: construct also payload? or make it nullable?
+    }
+    public int num_subjects ()
+    {
+        return subjects.length;
+    }
+    public void add_subject (Subject subject)
+    {
+        subjects.add (subject);
+    }
+    public Event.from_variant (Variant event_variant) { // (asaasay)
+        assert (event_variant.get_type_string () == "(asaasay)");
+        VariantIter iter = event_variant.iterator();
+        assert (iter.n_children() == 3);
+        VariantIter event_array = iter.next_value().iterator();
+        VariantIter subjects_array = iter.next_value().iterator();
+        VariantIter payload_array = iter.next_value().iterator();
+        var event_props = event_array.n_children ();
+        assert (event_props >= 5);
+        id = (uint32) uint64.parse ((string) event_array.next_value());
+        timestamp = int64.parse ((string) event_array.next_value());
+        interpretation = (string) event_array.next_value();
+        manifestation = (string) event_array.next_value();
+        actor = (string) event_array.next_value();
+        // let's keep this compatible with older clients
+        if (event_props >= 6) origin = (string) event_array.next_value();
+        for (int i = 0; i < subjects_array.n_children(); ++i) {
+            Variant subject_variant = subjects_array.next_value();
+            subjects.add(new Subject.from_variant(subject_variant));
+        }
+        // Parse payload...
+    }
+    public Variant to_variant ()
+    {
+        var vb = new VariantBuilder(new VariantType("(asaasay)"));
+ VariantType("as"));
+        vb.add("s", id.to_string ());
+        vb.add("s", timestamp.to_string ());
+        vb.add("s", interpretation);
+        vb.add("s", manifestation);
+        vb.add("s", actor);
+        vb.add("s", origin);
+        vb.close();
+ VariantType("aas"));
+        for (int i = 0; i < subjects.length; ++i) {
+            vb.add_value(subjects[i].to_variant());
+        }
+        vb.close();
+ VariantType("ay"));
+        // payload...
+        vb.close();
+        return vb.end();
+    }
+    public void debug_print ()
+    {
+        stdout.printf ("id: %d\t" +
+                       "timestamp: %li\n" +
+                       "actor: %s\n" +
+                       "interpretation: %s\n" +
+                       "manifestation: %s\n" +
+                       "origin: %s\n" +
+                       "num subjects: %d\n",
+                       id, timestamp, actor, interpretation,
+                       manifestation, origin, subjects.length);
+        for (int i = 0; i < subjects.length; i++)
+        {
+            var s = subjects[i];
+            stdout.printf ("  Subject #%d:\n" +
+                           "    uri: %s\n" +
+                           "    interpretation: %s\n" +
+                           "    manifestation: %s\n" +
+                           "    mimetype: %s\n" +
+                           "    origin: %s\n" +
+                           "    text: %s\n" +
+                           "    current_uri: %s\n" +
+                           "    storage: %s\n",
+                           i, s.uri, s.interpretation, s.manifestation,
+                           s.mimetype, s.origin, s.text, s.current_uri,
+                 ;
+        }
+    }
+    public static GenericArray<Event> variant_to_events (Variant vevents)
+    {
+        GenericArray<Event> events = new GenericArray<Event> ();
+        assert (vevents.get_type_string () == "a(asaasay)");
+        var iter = vevents.iterator ();
+        Variant? event = iter.next_value ();
+        while (event != null)
+        {
+            events.add (new Event.from_variant (event));
+            event = iter.next_value ();
+        }
+        return events;
+    }
+    public static Variant events_to_variant (GenericArray<Event> events)
+    {
+        var vb = new VariantBuilder(new VariantType("a(asaasay)"));
+ VariantType("a(asaasay)"));
+        for (int i = 0; i < events.length; ++i)
+            vb.add_value (events[i].to_variant ());
+        vb.close();
+        return vb.end();
+    }
+public class Subject : Object
+    public string uri { get; set; }
+    public string interpretation { get; set; }
+    public string manifestation { get; set; }
+    public string mimetype { get; set; }
+    public string origin { get; set; }
+    public string text { get; set; }
+    public string storage { get; set; }
+    public string current_uri { get; set; }
+    public Subject.from_variant (Variant subject_variant)
+    {
+        VariantIter iter = subject_variant.iterator();
+        var subject_props = iter.n_children ();
+        assert (subject_props >= 7);
+        uri = (string) iter.next_value();
+        interpretation = (string) iter.next_value();
+        manifestation = (string) iter.next_value();
+        origin = (string) iter.next_value();
+        mimetype = (string) iter.next_value();
+        text = (string) iter.next_value();
+        storage = (string) iter.next_value();
+        // let's keep this compatible with older clients
+        if (subject_props >= 8) current_uri = (string) iter.next_value();
+    }
+    public Variant to_variant()
+    {
+        var vb = new VariantBuilder(new VariantType("as"));
+ VariantType("as"));
+        vb.add("s", uri);
+        vb.add("s", interpretation);
+        vb.add("s", manifestation);
+        vb.add("s", origin);
+        vb.add("s", mimetype);
+        vb.add("s", text);
+        vb.add("s", storage);
+        vb.add("s", current_uri);
+        vb.close();
+        return vb.end();

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