Caste is what decides the fate of a hindu . Caste decides what should
be his social circle

What should he eat. With whom he should eat. With whom he should
marry. To whom he should respect. And whom he should treat with
contempt. And of course this system is heaven for some and hell for
some. The hindu society is divided into five broad social groups.
Graded in descending order they are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas ,
Shudras and Antyajas. The last group is also known as untouchable
group. The untouchable now call them selves Dalit ( Crushed people ) .
The untouchability has been abolished in law but it still persist
beyond cities' limits. The law is helpless, in this it has the help of
disinterested law-upholders.

The caste discrimination is rampant in villages but in cities it takes
sophisticated ways.

This so called timeless wretched system has made the lives of millions
of dalits hell. They are the ultimate victims. Though there is
government support to them in form of reservation in educational and
government institutions.

We will examine the extent of prevailing of casteism in Hindu society.
Is it limited to only upper strata or the others are also its
practitioners? The upper strata consist of three higher varnas also
called twice-born for they are eligible for thread ceremony. The lower
two strata are not eligible for thread ceremony indicating their lower
status as compared to twice-born. The fourth stratum of Shudras is
superior to Dalits. The dalits are condemned to live a wretched life.
Nobody bothers because it suits everybody's ends.

As it happened after India received independence , most of the upper
caste people moved to cities. It was mainly due to land reforms under
which the land was given to tillers. These tillers were the Shudras or
what is now called landed backward castes. Now these castes are
evidently oppressing the Dalits.

Now the question is that why should the Shudra who were earlier poor
should commit atrocities on landless Dalits. In this regard it may be
seen that poor upper caste people are never at the receiving end of
this kind of exploitation. It is reserved only for the Dalits.

Now what ails the society? How come the victims of the system (
Shudras – the fourth Varna) are not ready to fight it out and demolish
it? In the line of their earlier exploiters (upper castes) the new
landed Shudra castes are behaving in a similar manner. These newly
landed Shudras were tillers not long ago and thus a victim of the
system and were living at the mercy of upper castes.

The reason for this is very simple. It is not very perplexing. The
idea about elimination of caste is the same for all the castes and
individuals. This common idea can be described as follows. But before
that let us see what the caste structure is. The caste system in India
is a hierarchal system of different castes which are endogamous in
nature. Each caste has a given heredity occupation and a heredity
based purity and social standing. The purity decreases downward the
caste scale and increases upward the caste scale.

The common idea of abolishing the caste of each caste is that the each
caste wants to be equal to castes higher than it and maintain its
superiority in comparison to still lower castes. Like a Jat wants to
be equal to twice-born but at the same time maintain his superiority
over lower castes to him. And same likewise Yadavs or a Reddys or even
Chamars. Ironically the Chamars are untouchable themselves. So
everybody wants to solve the caste system for himself only. Everybody
wants a change where he is not badly affected but gains out of it.
Everybody demands equality for himself but denies it to those below him.

This same common idea full of self-interest prevents the people of
castes on higher scale to unite with the people with castes on lower
scale. Since everybody is doing it, no unity against caste system is
achieved. And in the absence of such united opposition the caste
system thrives on.

Such a common idea actually means down ward discrimination by all the
castes including Chamars. The Chamar discriminates against Bhangi but
wants equality and respect from castes higher to him. There is
inherent inner contradiction in such a selfish solution to abolish the
caste. The lowest caste in the system ( Bhangi) can not do it because
it does not get a chance. Therefore it is futile to say that only
upper caste practice caste discrimination while others are not the

This kind of behavior is the reason for which the landed Shudras
discriminate against still lower caste and so on downward. The
discrimination is pushed down and down till it engulfs whole of the
society and all the castes.

Thus it can be said that all the people in Hindu society are casteists
whether they belong to the higher most caste or the lower most caste.
And with such a situation and thinking there is little hope for
equality in the society.

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