Employment bias mars private sector - Study

Aradhana Sharma
Saturday, October 27, 2007 (New Delhi)
The private sectors' refrain that affirmative action is good enough
may not stand now. Fresh studies have proved that there is
discrimination in employment.

It was subject of much dispute - many had been saying it, others
contesting it. On Friday, a study was released by the Indian Institute
of Dalit Studies in collaboration with Princeton University.

The study was conducted against 548 job advertisements with 4808
applicants over 66 weeks, across five metros.

It reveals that in fact a person's caste and religion could be a
hindrance in getting a job, despite equal qualification.

Inequality in private sector

The study says that a dalit had 60 per cent less chances of being
called for an interview, and a Muslim had 30 per cent less, as against
their higher caste peers.

The wage earnings too were found to five to 20 per cent lower, between
SC as compared to upper castes.

And that is not all, one may also carry the baggage of family
background, when being interviewed for a job.

''Here in India, it is a routine practice for employers to enquire
about family background and use it as a means for screening. This is
an anti-thesis to what one expects in a merit based system,''
Professor Katherine S Newman, Princeton University.

The survey contradicts what employers have been claiming all this
while that jobs are given purely on merit, a contradiction that needs
to be addressed urgently.

''The result of the studies need to be taken seriously and we need an
equal opportunities policy in the form of reservation in addition to
what everyone is already doing,'' Professor Sukhdev Thorat, report
author and UGC chairperson.

Affirmative action, like skill and enterprise development, taken up by
the private sector so far, may just not be enough, if employment
opportinities in the country are to become inclusive.

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