IMHO, zfs need to run in all kind of HW
T-series CMT server that can help sha calculation since T1 day, did not see any work in ZFS to take advantage it

On 5/10/2011 11:29 AM, Anatoly wrote:
Good day,

I think ZFS can take advantage of using GPU for sha256 calculation, encryption and maybe compression. Modern video card, like 5xxx or 6xxx ATI HD Series can do calculation of sha256 50-100 times faster than modern 4 cores CPU.

kgpu project for linux shows nice results.

'zfs scrub' would work freely on high performance ZFS pools.

The only problem that there is no AMD/Nvidia drivers for Solaris that support hardware-assisted OpenCL.

Is anyone interested in it?

Best regards,
Anatoly Legkodymov.

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