Hi Thomas,

The man page for zpool has:

    zpool scrub [-s] pool ...

         Begins a scrub. The  scrub  examines  all  data  in  the
         specified  pools  to verify that it checksums correctly.
         For replicated (mirror or raidz) devices, ZFS  automati-
         cally  repairs  any  damage discovered during the scrub.
         The "zpool status" command reports the progress  of  the
         scrub  and summarizes the results of the scrub upon com-

        Because  scrubbing  and  resilvering  are  I/O-intensive
         operations, ZFS only allows one at a time. If a scrub is
         already in progress,  the  "zpool  scrub"  command  ter-
         minates  it  and starts a new scrub. If a resilver is in
         progress, ZFS does not allow a scrub to be started until
         the resilver completes.

         -s  Stop scrubbing.

When run the status of the pool has:

 scrub: scrub stopped with 0 errors on Mon Mar  5 09:51:52 2007

as opposed to:

 scrub: scrub completed with 0 errors on Mon Mar  5 09:51:16 2007

Hope that helps,


Thomas Werschlein wrote:
Dear all

Is there a way to stop a running scrub on a zfs pool? Same question applies to 
a running resilver.
Both render our fileserver unusable due to massive CPU load so we'd like to 
postpone them.

In the docs it says that resilvering and scrubbing survive a reboot, so I am 
not even sure if a reboot would stop scrubbing or resilvering.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Cheers, Thomas
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