On 8/7/06, Adam Leventhal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Needless to say, this was a pretty interesting piece of the keynote from a
technical point of view that had quite a few of us scratching our heads.
After talking to some Apple engineers, it seems like what they're doing is
more or less this:

When a file is modified, the kernel fires off an event which a user-land
daemon listens for. Every so often, the user-land daemon does something
like a snapshot of the affected portions of the filesystem with hard links
(including hard links to directories -- I'm not making this up). That
might be a bit off, but it's the impression I was left with.

Anyhow, very slick UI, sort of dubious back end, interesting possibility
for integration with ZFS.

You were spot on with your description and conclusion. More details here:

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