On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Matt Harrison <

> Hash: SHA1
> Afshin Salek wrote:
> | Your terminology is a bit confusing for me, so:
> Sorry i should have worded this much better,
> | you have 1 pool (zpool create)
> | you have a FS called public (zfs create?)
> |
> | what do you mean by "keep on separate zfs's"? You
> | mean ZFS snapshot?
> Ok, I'll start again:
> I have a pool "zpool create tank [...]"
> Then I made a zfs "zfs create [...] tank/public"
> Now I want to keep the sections of public separate, i.e on individual zfs.
> So I do "zfs create [...] tank/public/audio"
> The problem is that if public is shared via smb, the user is unable to
> access audio. It seems that if a zfs is shared, the child zfs' are not
> accessible as it would if they were just subdirectories.
You're absolutely correct - and it's because the "child zfs'", we'll call
them "filesystems" since that's what they are, are not directories. The OS
treats mount points differently than it does simple directories. Think of
each of those ZFS entities just as you would if they weren't mounted under
the same parent. i.e. If you had /home/floyd and /usr/local/pink - you
wouldn't try to setup a smb share under / and descend all of the way down.
The way you describe your wants, you want to create a different share for
each of the children anyway, so just do it. Oh, and this isn't a ZFS
limitation, it's an architecture limitation. i.e. You're Doing It Wrong

> So I can do "cd /tank/public; mkdir audio" which gives users access to
> public/audio via the public share, but it doesn't allow detailed
> management of audio as it would with individual zfs'.
> I hope this is a better explanation,
> Thanks
> - --
> Matt Harrison
> http://mattharrison.org
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