As most others have - I've been having issues with dedup.

Here's my situation, 4TB pool for daily backups of sql server - dedup enabled - 
so a typical directory has 100+ files that are mostly identical (some all are 

If I do rm * OpenSolaris is dead, zfs hung, etc. sometimes it comes back after 
hours, sometimes I reboot (only if a directory I don't care if a scrub loses 
files, I know the reboot is likely risky).

ZFS seems to asyncronously return the file is deleted, so potentially I have 
thousands of tens of thousands of i/os outstanding to actually do a delete and 
the system moves onto the next file which adds to this queue.  If I interrupt a 
delete the disk i/o stays high for some time afterwards hence this theory.

If I can keep the i/o queue depth reasonable things seem to work fine. This 
requires deleting a file files, waiting, then proceeding with more files. 

This script has delays between the files and uses find <directory> | grep to 
find which files to remove - not overly sophisticated but this seems to help a 
lot since it goes slow enough to also keep an eye on disk i/o load.

Is there some reason that delete would return before the operation completes? 
It seems like a simple change in this behavior to block until the file is 
actually deleted would possibly resolve this issue. 

--------- Perl script to sleep between deletes -------------


cleanup("/tankmir1/sqlbackups/", "_2010_05", ".trn");

sub cleanup {
        my $search=$_[1];
        my $dir=$_[0];
        my $type=$_[2];
        print "Searching for $search in $dir\n";
        print "   Command:  " . "find $dir \| grep \"$type\" \| grep 
\"$search\" |";
        open(IN, "find $dir \| grep \"$type\" \| grep \"$search\" |");

while ($file = <IN>)
        chop $file;
        print "$file - Delete..";
        # You may want to vary this sleep time..
        print "\n";
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