I put b39 on an E250 with 6 disks.  I created a raidz with four of them.
In a test directory I had a script create an empty file every second.  I
created a snapshot waited a bit and yanked a disk.

While the script kept going and I could see new files in the directory,
could not perform any zfs management.  'zfs list', 'zpool status',
'zpool list' all hung hard.  No ^C/^Z/^\ response, nothing visible in a
truss.  With nothing left to do, I tried a 'reboot' which didn't
complete.  When I couldn't reboot the machine, I aborted and did a
'sync' to force a dump.

I reinserted the disk and let the machine come up.  I was a bit
surprised at all the management functions hanging up so completely.
I've got normal-looking scsi errors in the messages file: 'incomplete'
and retrying, 'offline', 'i/o to invalid geometry' and 'disk not
responding to selection'.

When the machine came back up, zfs had found the disk, reattached and
zpool was stable with no errors.  However, the contents of the
filesystem appears to be identical to the snapshot, with none of the
changes afterward visible.  Several files were added after the snapshot
was taken even before one disk was removed and that several hundred were
added before I aborted the host.

# ls -ld /zpool/test
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     sys           52 May 17 17:47 /zpool/test
# ls -ld /zpool/test/.zfs/snapshot/snap1 
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     sys           52 May 17 17:47 

Note the 52 files in each.  /zpool/test had about 70 when I pulled the
disk and over 250 when I forced the panic.  (Is there any way to get the
snapshot creation time down to the second?)  All of the files were

So I'm wondering if there's any reason for either the zfs tools to hang
(I'm supposing that's an interaction with the underlying scsi driver?)
and more importantly why none of the data written after the snapshot was
taken seems to be around any longer.  Is the fact that the files were
empty relevant?


Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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