I've been sending daily incrementals off-site for a while now, but
recently they failed so I had to send an incremental covering a number
of snapshots. I expected the incremental to be approximately the sum
of the snapshots, but it seems to be considerably larger and still
going. The source machine is nv72 and the destination is nv99. I
send/recv with this command:

/usr/sbin/zfs send -i tank/v...@2009-08-15 tank/v...@2009-08-26 | bzip2 -c
| ssh offsite-computer "bzcat | /usr/sbin/zfs recv -F tank/vm"

The sum of the 11 days of snapshots is about 100G, but I see the
remote computer registering over 130G. I'm pushing this over a single
T1, so the process has been running for about a week. Is this
expected? If so, is there anyway I can calculate how much data will
need to be transferred?

Here is a snippet of zfs list on the source:

tank/v...@2009-08-14       8.46G      -   440G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-15       7.49G      -   440G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-16       7.42G      -   440G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-17       7.45G      -   441G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-18       11.0G      -   538G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-19       11.1G      -   479G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-20       11.1G      -   479G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-21       7.61G      -   480G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-22       6.45G      -   481G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-23       7.31G      -   481G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-24       9.66G      -   481G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-25       10.1G      -   481G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-26       12.5G      -   481G  -

And the remote:

tank/v...@2009-08-14                        8.46G      -   440G  -
tank/v...@2009-08-15                        9.38G      -   440G  -
tank/vm/%2009-08-26                        136G   867G   475G
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