I don't think we can say that laughter is or is not a sin.  To my mind, it
really depends on what we're laughing at.  We're not to make light of - or
make fun of or laugh at - sacred things.  It's as simple as that, to me. 
It's entirely appropriate to laugh at the look at your kid's face when
she's snuck an extra-spicy Dorito that's she's been told not to have (it
really was funny!  She came running out of the bedroom looking very
surprised and saying "hot! hot!"  She was 3 1/2 at the time).  I have no
problem with cracking jokes and such, but I wouldn't think of joking about
something that I hold sacred.  That's part of the reason that I,
personally, have no desire to see that movie "Bruce Almighty".  From what
I've heard of it, it seems to me to make light of things that I feel are
sacred.  That's my opinion, of course, and I could be wrong.

Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: John W. Redelfs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 7/14/2003 8:40:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Is Laughter a Sin?
> Showing deep insight, Stacy Smith wrote:
> >P.S.:  Do you mind if I send your message about laughter to some 
> >priesthood holders and get their opinion as well?
> Please do.  Every time I ask this question, EVERYONE tells me that
> and joking are fine, but NOBODY attempts to explain the scriptures 
> prohibiting it.  Personally, I laugh and joke a lot.  But these verses 
> bother me because they seem to be contradicting what seems right to me.
> John W. Redelfs                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===========================================
> "There is no place in this work for those who believe only
> in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
> news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
> ===========================================
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 
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